i'm bailing the country! yeayaa!
tomorrow's the day!
i'll be in sunny brisbane in 12 hours :)
leave me some nice messages while i'm away ok - i'll try to come online as often as possible.
i'm gonna miss my guinea pigs so much :(
tomorrow's the day!
i'll be in sunny brisbane in 12 hours :)
leave me some nice messages while i'm away ok - i'll try to come online as often as possible.
i'm gonna miss my guinea pigs so much :(
i just saw my pic on RB's FB and i look gone! i think that was when i was drinking vodka cruiser - which means, the jagermeister haven't even been downed >.<
oh, why do i have the red bunny syndrome?! nor fair! i should go look for this thing that i've heard ppl say that you won't go red after drinking it. i dont want to look DRUNK (when i'm not!) in all my photos after drinking :(
and ugh, cough is back. must be from all the shouting from last week. and i'm taking swim lessons tmr - if i feel crap, i'm gonna get mr pretty boi at work to take over instead, since he's been wanting to do it :P but he'll probably spend like, 3 hours fixing his hair after getting it wet.
honestly, i've never seen anyone as vain as him. or as useless. his name is james. and he was going "ouch ouch ouch" when he got splattered by hot water while making instant noodles. and then he went "ew! the seat's dirty! yucky.." when he saw some food scraps on the seat. and then he goes around asking "does my hair look fine?"
he's perfectly straight. well, he has a gf. unless, his gf is just there to cover........?
wow wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's 4.37am now and i'm sitting in front of this squarish screen typing up some random shit while eating "pan mee". i haven't got enough brain cells to figure out what it's called in english, so let's all just be happy with "pan mee" ok?
today must've been the weirdest day in my whole 22 years of life. i spent 3-4 hours crying and sobbing non-stop, i spent 1 hour having suicidal thoughts, and then proceeded to spend another 45 minutes staring into a bath tub half filled with water and the hair dryer which i've pulled out. next thing i know, i had my bath towel on the bathroom's tiles, and i was lying flat on the tiles feeling the cold against my skin.
and i was txting like 5 people at the same time, talking about different things, like how a "fat lazy bitch" (quote Daddle) pulled a sickie on her last 2 days of work, about how i dont want to live anymore and apologizing to Tina and Stefan for having to cancel out on our strawberry picking adventure :(
then evening came along, and before i knew it, i was sitting in RB's car happily chatting away about our soon to be very interesting night! and next thing i know, stefan's standing beside RB's car and then we were in and the alcohol started coming.
totally unrelated: while i was slurping my pan mee, i had the brilliant-est idea! i shall buy lots of laughing gas and store it in my room. everytime dad and i are about to break into an argument, i'll just sniff a small canister and then go "argue" with dad while trying to control my fits of laughter. that'll keep him happy for a while, until he starts wondering what the heck i'm getting high on -.-"
anyway, no laughing has or NOX tonight. the store ran out :( but you know, after some stupid asian herbal shot i had, i was in fits of giggles, i think. i was sitting at the dark stairway with stefan giggling about EVERYTHING and thinking about it now, it wasn't even funny :P (ok, that asian herbal shot i had is called Jagermeister and it's the most foul alcohol i've ever tasted!)
my head went all spinny spinny after that shot so i just sat around giggling until i "sobered" up again but just as i was sobering up, we had to leave to head to town and RB and i had our pre-packed shots (tequila and lime) and it was DISGUSTING as!
then crazy dancing started...sweaty...hot...rashes....left my house keys in stefan's apartment got tina and nancy had to wait with me for like 20 minutes (sorry and thx girls) and a shower later, i'm home, slurping on my "pan mee" while drinking lots of water.
and it'll be bed time soon after.
i cant be arsed typing any longer, so nite nite
i had the awesomest yesterday and today
yesterday was spent being lazy and munching on junk at the beach. we were meant to head to mission bay but the weather was crap so i bailed to eastern beach instead. the sun wasn't up, but at least it wasn't raining. after reading and listening to some songs there, i packed everything up with my sister and her friend, went home to get one of my guinea pigs and we were out again. this time, with an ice block each. went back to the same spot and resumed what i was doing, with my guinea pig munching on grass happily beside us.
in the evening, i went for work 'training'. we have lifeguarding and first aid training every first week of the month but yesterday was very different! we had a brief meeting to point out who are the lazy buggers at work, then we all got changed and filled this pool inflatable with air. it's called an AQUARUN and it looks something like that:image courtesy of: http://www.aflextechnology.com/pool-inflatables-af.php
except the one we had was way harder than this. we have one that looks exactly the same but we usually take that out for kids under 14. the one we had yesterday was mean as!
the boys were SO rough! i was standing on poolside laughing my head off at how silly the boys were and suddenly, Abhi got me soaked with the hose and i was still fully clothed! so i went off to the bench to sit, and Darryl and Brendan grabbed my legs and hands and flung me onto the AQUARUN >:(
so i just sat there not moving and everyone started cracking up and hosing me with super cold water so i had to run away! just as i was running away, Abhi the fatty came and squash me and i got stuck under him! then Brendan came to squash Abhi and poor me was squashed under 2 guys. Darryl apparently came to rescue me, but it was too late coz i wriggled myself free (ah, the joy of being tiny!) and someone pushed me off into the water. and Brendan jumped in right above me and i got squashed and pushed 1.8m down the pool!
it was really cool even though the boys were so rough. everyone went home with a form of injury - i have a scratch in my knee, Darryl had this massive finger mark on this upper arm, Brendan was limping at the end of it, James' toe nail got ripped off by the stitching on the aquarun (ouch!) and the list goes on and on!
what a fun night...and the best part it, everyone who attended got paid :D
today was another fun day! tina, stefan and myself went to waiwera and it was mean! the slides were pretty empty and the pools had just the right number of kids. if there were too many kids at one point, we could just bail to this other "adults only" pool! hehe!
went on almost all the slides except for one which was closed the whole time we were there.
the weather was perfect coz none of us got brown even though we were out for about 4 hours!
it was just super fun!
next event: strawberry picking. anyone interested?
i'm so annoyed today. annoyed at the lack of organisation and management that my team of workmates have.
see, i was scheduled to only do swimming lessons today, so i wore my bikini under my uniform to work and didn't bring my bra and undies coz i thought i'll come home wrapped in a towel (with my bikini still on, of course!) once i'm done.
but nooo....
someone rang ANOTHER swim tutor in (or maybe she just turned up herself?) and i was told by my Senior that i wasn't teaching. and i was like O.o which means i have to do 5 hours of lifeguarding instead of swim teaching.
my other colleague must've seen how disappointed i was coz he came up to me and said "hey, i dont feel well. you can take my classes. ok?" and that got me a little happier. then later, the other swim tutor (we'll call her B) started bitching about EVERY SINGLE DAMNED THING!
@(#*@()* FFS, just shut up and let E do his work at his own pace can or not?!
anyway, i got out after teaching for 2 hours, and though "oh shyte. i'm up the creek! i have no bra and undies!!"
and then while changing to get dry, i had the most brilliant idea. i have a spare set of bikini in my car. hehe :D so i was all sorted.
but more things happened after that but i cant be bothered listing them..to cut it all short, everyone involved in organizing the roster is really really bad >"<
i left an hour early coz i was pissed and annoyed at everything.
they can go dock my pay for an hour if they want - but i dont think they should coz they were the ones who screwed up!
i'm still in a rotten mood all thanks to inconsiderate ppl who demands things done THEIR way and not the BEST way. but you know, i'm not gonna let that spoil my mood to blog.
as promised i've got photos of chester uploaded so you can all see how cute my bundle of joy is and be jealous that i have a companion who listens to me rant when i'm upset and squeaks in return :Phi. my name is Chester and i'm a Male Abyssinian guinea pig. I turned 2 months old yesterday and i have 3 very annoying and irritating owners who comes to steal my pigloo so that they can scratch my back and hear me purr. that's my very bootylicious butt ;)
this is me from the top view. i am a tri-colour guinea pig. from my very bootylicious photo above, you can tell that me rear end has 2 colours - brown and black. i'm gorgeous, am i not?? i have 2 very floppy ears which flaps around when i shake my whole body.
the purple thing is actually my litter pan, which means i'm meant to wee and poo in it. but of course, i never use it because i'm a dirty and smelly guinea pig. i wee and poo everywhere because i know my owners love me a lot so they'll change my bedding every other day (aren't i lucky!). i use the litter pan to play hide and seek with my owner..when my owner says "here boy! hereeee.." i'll run to the little pan and hide in it until she takes the litter pan off me. i can stay in it for ages!
here is me rubbing my bum against the wall of my cage. do i look fat in this position? i think i need to do some laps soon! i can see myself getting rounder by the day >"< fluff ball! weee!
see my yummy food? i get fresh fruits and veges everyday! my absolute favourite is purple grapes with no seeds. fruit seeds are toxic to me so my owners will remove them all before feeding them to me. i quite like tomatoes as well but they stain my pretty fur. carrots and apples are ok too :) cucumbers are yuck and i dont know why my owner still feeds them to me. spinach is yummmmmmmyyyy!
here's a video of my owner giving me a back scratch and you can hear me purring too:
now that you know lots about me, hurry up and tell my owner what you think of me!
just a quickie again before i shoot off to bed.
been a rather depressed soul for the last few days due to my results :( they are not good, so i'm gonna take a break from uni..or rather, i'm thinking of taking a break from uni and get a proper full time job for about 1 year then finish off.
dont ask me why i'm taking so long to get a stupid simple degree. i'm just another dumb asshole you see on the streets wasting their life away. but if you do see me, please dont ask me anything related to uni? if i feel like talking, i'll talk to you.
tonight was like digging my own grave deeper in. well, it felt like it. already i am wallowing in being so upset about my results (guess 10 hours of studying a day for a whole week just ain't enough...), i had to push myself to keep talking about it because EVERYONE..and i mean EVERYONE was talking about uni, exams, graduating and getting a job. almost every nook and corner and i went to hide, someone was bound to be talking about either one of those mentioned *sigh*
anyway, yes. my plan is to just take a break. i know for SURE that i will fall into depression if i dont take a break from uni and just relax for a while and go back again when i'm ready. i do not want to be a depressed person...already as it is, i have some very crazy thoughts going on in my head which aren't very healthy. thank God for some good friends who drag me out of the house for some relaxing moments rather than just letting me crawl into bed and think crazy things!
but anyway, i'm still ok so dont worry too much. i keep myself busy so i wont think too much about it. however, i still need to let my parents know. i've been putting this off for a few days so i'm thinking of telling them on tuesday evening coz that's when i have 3 days off work. i dont want to bring my home-emotions to work coz it really affects me.
i really hope that my parents will understand, though i know i am letting them down BIG TIME this time around. but what can i do? i still need to keep my sanity...
ps: i forgotten this was meant to be a "quickie".
quickies of the week:
- sleptover at christine's on sunday night
- went for a really good chicken wrap and soy hot choc with christine and 2 other friends on mon
- worked tuesday to saturday, with wednesday off
- wed was pretty much the only time i had to catch up with some sleep and do some essentials
- caught up with a few friends, mainly RB because 2 depressive souls get along very well
- caught up with some other friends tonight and had some good food, though my appetite (i usually eat a lot!!) wasn't really there
- and lastly, been spending lots of time with Chester who's getting even more fond of me and he keeps me sane :)
hello people! i'm back after taking a short break so rejuvenate so that i'll look prettier..not!
actually, the last couple of days have basically been tidying up bits and pieces of my room, putting stuff back in order again like all the mess i've made in the whole house, going to work (i need money!!!) and catching up with some friends :) oh and of course, spending time with my baby boy, Chester!
so lemme introduce Chester to you. he's my darling boy who is an Abyssinian breed of guinea pig. he was born on 20/9/2007 so he's only about 7 weeks old but acting totally like a teenager! throwing tantrums here and there and getting all shy when us girls (me and my sis) pays him a visit! LOL
anyway, i think he's been settling down well. he's getting more and more vocal (chatty) by the day. he talks to my mum when she's doing the laundry going mweeepmweeepmweeeeeep or wheeekwheeekwheeeeek which seems to be a way of him asking for food. i read up heaps about guinea pig sounds and what they mean and even made myself familiarise with all their sounds.
he also knows when someone's in the garage with him, coz that's when he'll start talking again and he knows this is how he gets my attention. i dont think he knows how to get to his drink bottle yet, so we use another bottle to feed him a few times during the day. he drinks heaps! just tonight, i taught him a new trick ;) when i shake his drink bottle, he'll know how to find it and then start drinking from it. and sometimes when he's drinking from his bottle, he'll play tug-o-war with it! ehehheeh~
i dont think he's very friendly coz he doesnt seem to like being picked up. we tried to pick him up several times on saturday but he just kept running away and made a noise which indicated that he's scared/ annoyed/ stressed so we left him alone for the night. he's getting better now though coz he lets me scratch the back of his ear and at the bottom of his mouth. he seems to enjoy these a lot coz he'll make his face look all cute by closing his eyes a little and opening it and closing it again! so cute!
my sis' friend came over on monday to teach us how to pick him up. she cuddled him for a while then handled him over to me. it was my first time ever holding a little piggy so i wasn't sure how to hold him properly. he ended up biting me not once, but twice! mind you, it wasn't a tiny nibble either. it was a full on bite :( and it bled for ages...
got a bit scared of him, but hey i dont blame him for biting me. if i was his size and there was a monster beast holding me in a way that i feel unsafe, i would start biting and hacking away too! the wound's pretty small but i think it's quite deep. it seems to be hurting more today when i try to get some work done but oh well, it's only a bite and i'll survive ;)
anyway, i think i'll go get some fresh veges for him tmr while i'm out. thinking of doing some solitary shopping so might as well go get him some. he's been living on apples and carrots and grapes and tomatoes for the last 1 week. i know, it's not all that bad but he doesnt fancy carrots very much. he really likes grapes but i read online that piggies shouldn't be fed too much grapes and apples. plus, they need more vitamin c and apparently green bell pepper is really good as vitamin c source and they love it.
we'll see how it goes tmr.
that's it about my baby boy for now. will post some pics up soon - got them on camera but havent transferred them yet.
i'm in a super foul mood today. i have no idea why, but i think it's the stress getting to me. funny how i didnt feel like that for my other 2 exams. i just felt like crying everytime i think i cant take it anymore.
but today..today is just different! i felt like i hadn't slept a wink, but i'm not tired. the phone kept ringing and ringing this morning and it was SO annoying especially when you're trying to make full use of your sleeping time. and the fact that my dad is always doing his work in the garage thus making him not able to answer the phone quickly really irks me too! there is a simple solution to that - we have a cordless phone, carry it with him!
my mum rang up and i had to answer it coz my dad was in the toilet. i sounded SO grumpy at that time and i know it, but i just couldn't help it. i do NOT like being woken up in a way where i have to jump out of bed quickly...as if there was an emergency or something.
but today is going to be a very long day. i'm trying to calm myself down by taking it easy first then only start studying, but it ain't working yo. i checked a few things online, and one of them was the trademe package which i sent out on monday and the person still hasn't received it. and the courier company is meant to get back to me.
why cant they be more efficient?! hello, it's been FOUR FUCKING days! courier is meant to be OVERNIGHT? and the client is only located in auckland CBD. ain't that far away from where i live! could've delivered it myself if i knew nz couriers were such imbeciles!
there, now you know how foul my mood is!
i'm feeling much better now :) i think the whole foul mood thing was because i really wanted to sleep in more. but i forced myself to wake up anyway :(
after a big bowl of rice porridge with lots of soysauce and even MORE sesame oil, i started to calm down. did some air punches and air kicks to release a bit of stress and tension :P and it kinda worked. the joy of not having anyone home! haha
somtimes i wonder what will happen if i actually have a life size punching inflatable. you know one of those blow up things that comes to your height (well, my height anyway..) and the base is filled with sand to weight it down? and if you push it, it goes backward and comes right back at you after that?
i might end up destroying it :P we used to have one back in msia...wonder where it is now!
oh wells..time to start on another past exam paper or i'll run out of time. cant believe tmrw's my last paper and it'll be guinea pig hunting after that ;)
i've decided not to adopt from the refuge because the owner has simply too many requirements. like, the size of the cage, and that my WHOLE family needs to be involved in the adoption process. she said she wants to come around to our house to look at the cage we made, to talk to my parents and to check out our home -_- it's almost as if we're adopting a human baby.
and it's really troublesome. because, first of all, we made a cage that is 1 size smaller than what she recommended, but they are at least TWICE the size of a pet store cage. or about the size of my sister (height wise) and i think that is more than enough. secondly, my mum is not keen on us getting a pet. my dad on the other hand, has given us the green light to get 2 guinea pigs, but because he is highly allergic to dustmites, he ain't all that keen either. so it's really pointless to talk to them.
hence my decision to just get guinea pigs from elsewhere. found a few on trademe, but they're all of the long haired breed and those are high maintenance coz the fur needs to be trimmed quite often, and it's not like we have an edward-scissorhand sitting at home to do that! guess the short haired ones will be the best option.
first stop after exam tmrw....four seasons pet shop in glen innes ;)
an elder's wife at church passed away on monday night. i received an email informing us yesterday morning when i did my routine email check after waking up.
the thing is, on sunday morning, i saw the elder, but not his wife. they're ALWAYS together - i've never seen one and not the other, until that morning. few seconds later, my dad asked "eh, where's his wife?" and i said "not sure. maybe she's sick!" but right after saying that, i 'saw' an image of someone who had passed away and a very heavy feeling came over me...
i really dont know how to describe it, but it made me feel really upset..but i just brushed it off thinking my mind's playing tricks with me again. but when i received that email yesterday, it just felt weird.....
another incident was when i had a dream about someone being pregnant. the following day, we were told that that someone IS pregnant and i told my mum about my dream and she just went "REALLY?!".
one of my saving's account went dwindling over the last month partly because:
yay! lucy's back :D i am one very happy camper!
time flies, dunnit? just a little over 5 months ago, i remember dropping by lucy's hse straight after work in my yucky uniform t say goodbye :( and now lucylulu's back again :) we'll be the 'abandoned' ones this summer so lets make full use of it :D
it's 1am and i'm meant to be in lala-land already according to my schedule...but i just dont feel like ending the day. i feel like doing more things!
i am physically tired and worn out after a long long day, but i just dont want to sleep just yet (and i'll wake up tmrw morning cursing at why i didnt sleep earlier! it happens EVERY single morning).
having mixed emotions - one moment i'm all stressed, another moment i have this 101% confidence which is ridiculous, then 3 seconds later i feel like i'm a failure, and an hour of emo-ing later i feel like i'm superwoman
and i'm not even pms-ing coz aunt petunia left like, 10 days ago or something.
tell me what's going on! is it the caffeine-overload? is it all the studying? is it all the information on guinea pigs that i've been reading? is it me craving for LIFE???
i had a very weird dream the other day. but it involved this hot guy...i dunno who -.-" but i know he was hot! and i woke up feeling very happy for 5 mins, then reality kicked in and i was my usual dumb self again :P
the dream started with me at a petshop over at the aqua section. my image of the aqua section basically involves lots and lots of aquarium with fishes, and a few large black oxygen tanks. well, i was looking at some fishes and was wandering around, and then i saw a TIGER! O.O i know! it was in a cage and ppl were all looking at it and i just stood from afar to watch..
then all of a sudden right, some men (i think it was 2 or 3 of them) appeared from the ground - they came through like those underground tunnels which led up to where i was. and they were poachers -___________- they wanted to kill the tiger for its skin.
anyway, everyone just ran away but because i'm a total slowpoke, i was a bit slow. they fired into air and part of the aqua section blew up. it blew up because somehow.........the oxygen tanks were some sort of gas which will blew up when the poacher fired. i didn't know where to run to and while i was panicking, some hot guy (wtf! hahahaha) came to my rescue and picked me up and put me over his shoulder and took me to a safe place (HHHAAHAHA!!!)
after making sure i was ok, he went back for the poachers to rescue the tiger and try to get the poachers. there was one part where he was hanging onto a rope and taking a full swing at the poachers.
and my alarm clock rang and i almost threw it out the window!
silly dream aye? hahaha wonder what i saw/ did/ read on that day to make up such a concoction of dream :P
now go do something productive instead of reading about my silly dream and falling off the chair laughing! SHOO!
we've got a guinea pig cage all ready! i spend about an hour today making up the base and am quite happy with the results :)
managed to get corflute/ coroplast from payless plastic in the size i want, so huzzah again!
a bit fluffed that the person at the guinea pigs' refuge ain't replying to my mails. kinda want to adopt 2 piggles ASAP but she's not being very...helpful. now we're (well, i am...) thinking of adopting from spca instead but the guinea pigs' refuge have cuter piggles!
not only that, she's pretty strict with who's adopting it and where the piggles are going and what size cages they're gonna be in and etc. i made our cage one size down coz i think a cage that is over 76 x 91 cm is more than enough got 2 piggles -___- even my sister can fit quite comfortably in it!
and she was saying that she wont allow ppl under 18 to adopt 'em piggles unless someone above 18 is the pets' main caregiver...well, i kinda understand that. you cant really point your finger at a wee kid and say "hey, that's your pig. go clean the cage" when the wee kid can barely look after his/herself right?
but i really am hoping she'll get back to me soon! i'm thinking of surprising my sisters with the guinea pigs on friday when they come home from sch - i know which ones they want so if all goes well, i mgiht drive to north shore after my exam on friday and pick the piggles up.
hmm....we'll see!
now it's time to get back to chemistry..while listening to pyro go POP POP POP in the air -.-" gosh i hate this time of the year!
we're on our way to obtaining a guinea pig..i mean, guinea pigs! we've been advised not to get one piggy, but to get 2 as they're very social creatures and will be very stressed if they cant interact with a creature of their kind...and that is very very sad!
anyway, spent half a day searching for "wire storage cubes". i dont know how to describe what they are, but it's basically flat wire racks and you join them with a connector to a shape/ size you want. we were told to go to the warehouse, k-mart and even briscoes. we searched high and low at all 3 places but ended up with nothing. then went to plastic box. they had a wire mesh one, but that would mean there's a possibility of the piggies' legs getting caught in them..finally found them at payless plastic and they were on sale too! blessing in disguise :P
what we need to get next is Corflute. they're those huge-as cardboard/ plastic things you use when you did your science fair thingy. but we need a bigger one than that coz that'll be the base of the piggies' cage. and the wire cubes will be the fencing around it.
so tired
i really shd start studying..chemistry....arrghh!
ok this is a rubbish post. i'm gonna go shower and sort out all my notes.
ok back to studying now. toodles!
happy birthday ms gilainne sytingco!
sorry i'm on my family computer so i dont have any photos of you....so i stole this from your friendster:
anyway, happy happy birthday! sorry i cant celebrate it with you today....exams.....but will make it up once exams are over!
thank you for being such a wonderful friend.
thank you for listening when i needed someone to.
thank you for the advise that you've provided me over the years.
thank you for the good times spent with each other.
thank you for simply being my friend :)
it's been a wonderful journey knowing you
and i wish i could freeze time so the day you leave will never come!
but that would make a very selfish me...
thank you gilainne for being one who always brightens up my day with your silly antics!
happy birthday darling!
i heart u!
i have this song stuck in my head. we sang it at church on sunday and it's been sitting in my head since then. the song is called "thine is the kingdom" or "our father's prayer". i found one sung by the parachute band on youtube:
it's quite catchy. i've been singing it the whole morning!
speaking of parachute band, anyone interested to come for the parachute music festival in january next year? details are as follow:
location: mystery creek, hamilton
when: 25-28 january 08 (you dont have to go for all 4 days if you dont want to)
who'll be there: i heard switchfoot'll be there, but do checkout this out for more information
i'm thinking of asking my whole fambam to go this year for some, ahem, exposure. my sis, kimbo's pretty eager on going but not too sure about my fatty sis. LOL. i'll talk to my parents tonight and see if they're keen. it's really fun :)
check out my parachute '07 experience here:
i'm pretty sure there are more, but i really haven't got the time to look for them now. but one thing for sure, my tan marks are still there (yes, almost one year later!!) and everytime i look at it, i get reminded of the good times at parachute 07. good times, great fun :P
so come along if you're interested. i think some of my colleagues are interested too, so maybe we can round up a few cars to go together. big roudy crowd = fun!
leave me a msg if you're interested! for more info, check this out:
Posted by
Amy C
12:09 pm
Tag christianity, events
i've been suffering from really bad back pain the last few days. it's horrible! it makes me feel like a grandmother who cannot stand for long and needs very comfy chairs to sit on.
my senior at work sent me home earlier on saturday coz the pain was unbearable from standing too much at work. he also told me to do some stretches to reduce my back pain and it helped. so nice of him to let me go home early!
my daddy also gave me his massager so i can massage when it starts to hurt. i try to take a break from studying every hour or so, rather than sitting for 5 hours straight without standing up or stretching. i think that's the initial cause of my back pain
the pain got worse at work coz i had to pull up this very heavy thing. some silly kid left their goggles in the pool gutter and it got sucked in to where the water flows to another pool. so i had to open up this thing and pull up this metal bucket which is filled with water (not to mention pressure!) and after doing that, i could hardly stand straight.
it's slightly better now, but i feel the pain if i squat or sit in a weird position for too long.
*sigh* signs that i really AM aging!
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Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true? A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap. Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables? A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products. Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake? A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up! Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio? A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc. Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program? A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good! Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you? A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!! .... Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you? Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle? A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach. Q: Is chocolate bad for me? A: Are you crazy? HELLO Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around! Q: Is swimming good for your figure? A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me. Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets. And remember: 'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, what a Ride!' AND...... For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies. 1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you. |
got another rejection call today :( i sent in my CV to aquanauts yesterday and the person in charge said that she'll be in tough soon. true to her word, she rang up this morning (while i was having a nap coz i woke up at 4am!!) and asked a few questions like, what will i be doing once uni starts again and when she found out i finish after summer school, the "unfortunately" word came out. "unfortunately, we're looking for someone who'd come in on a more permanent basis and we'll be closed from december till around feb so it's not really going to be nice to hire you for a month.."
but she was really nice about it, unlike the lady from yesterday.
i've thus decided that i will stick to doing trademe, instead of juggling with 2 part time jobs on top of having to do trademe. i earn more that way anyway and get to do it on my own free time. so if i feel like partying one night, then i can forsake trademe. as for my swim teaching job, i guess i can improve my skills once i finish with my exams coz a few schools have booked themselves in to come for some swimming lessons. i'll just have to bug my beloved darryl to lemme to lessons, which i'm sure he doesnt mind :)
that's about it. i need to go toilet! LOL
my manager is SO cute! LOL he does this cute little wave thing to me. like he wiggles just his fingers, but it's different to how people usually do it? and he has this silly looking grin on his face. lol. he came up to me this morning to ask how are exams preparations going, and i said stressful. then he said "well, just so you know, if things don't go as planned, i'll always have a permanent job for you here! *laughs* i hope that doesnt make you study harder!"
LOL what a crack up!
i think i'm finally warming up to him. i used to be really scared of him..like, whenever he's around, i'll go all quiet coz i'm worried that i might leave him a bad impression or sth. furthermore, he's the manager you know!
but the last few times when he's around, he'll always come around and talk to me and just make silly jokes. LOL, so i guess i'm quite used to him being around now :D
he's really cool! i wish i could list all the things he's done for me, but i cannot due to some reasons :p
my team leader just rang me cell phone from his home to talk crap with me
the only part that wasn't too much full of crap was this:
daddle: you know you're on with me at 5am tmr?
me: yesss....
daddle: good girl.
me: mm-hmmm...
daddle: bring your swipe card!
me: but i always dooo....!
daddle: good girl.
me: where's your swipe card??
daddle: i left it at work!
me: oh hohohoh! i'll be late for work tmr.
daddle: as always!
me: extremely late tmrw!
daddle: OH WHATS NEW!
he must be too rich to spend money calling mobiles to talk rubbish.
and he likes calling me good girl
everything also "good girl"
ok you can tell i'm bored right....such a lame post also want to type up..haih..
mama bought me something i've been looking for since i step foot on NZ soil over 5 years ago! she got me.......YEO'S CURRY CHICKEN WITH POTATOES!!! neh, the canned curry chicken. you dunno? nvm :p
but it was sooooo good. i took a sniff of it when i opened it and boy, it brought me back to the sweet nights, hot times in malaysia :p ahh, i love it! i have 2 more cans sitting in the pantry. 1 for me, the other for my sis.
i rang up the swimming sch today. i thought it was rather weird that they didn't contact me after shadowing with their instructors over 2 weeks ago.
me: hi! i'm amy and i shadowed with your instructors about 2 weeks ago. just wondering what's gonna happen from now?
her: oh hi amy! how're you?
me: i'm good. thanks!
her: ok. what position are you looking for?
*thinks to self....haven't she asked me this already when we spoke on the phone last time??*
me: well, i'll be free once i finish exams, so i'm basically free from mid november, right up to feb. not too sure what's going to happen after feb.
her: ok..we're actually looking for people who would stay long term and work at least once a week, like every saturday. seeing that you can only work until end of feb, the position is not quite right for you...
and then she started talking about all the other stuff like if i want to train with them i can, she'll keep my name on the file and etc...
you know what pissed me off? when i went to shadow, the head instructor told me that they'll take me in as long as i like working with them. no one mentioned anything about staying for long term and etc. and you know what pissed me off even more? the lady said "i dont have your contact number - you didnt give it to me!"
omg! i SO remember telling you my contact number when i first contacted you! how dare you blame me. geez. it's not that hard to tell someone that you do not have the position anymore!
just really pissed that they didnt bother to email me (they have my email add coz that's how i contacted them initially) and she obviously lost my phone number. and also how they said that they were gonna take me in as long as i like it, but now they're coming back to say that they want someone who'll stay long term.
*breathes in and out*
oh well. i'll look for other jobs....or maybe go hardout to sell stuff on trademe.
talking about trademe, is anyone interested in joining me to sell stuff on trademe and through other means? i'm thinking of making up a catalogue of products and emailing them to my customers (i have all their emails) once a week or so.
obviously, by doing this, i have to source for more items and sourcing takes a long time. would be nice if we could do a joint-venture or something, and share the profits :)
but it's a thought. if you're interested, then just drop me a line and we can talk about it and see what happens from there. i'm only thinking of doing it over summer so yeah...
i'm gonna go take a rest. feeling kinda tired from all the reading..
stealing some time away from my books and notes to blog while i have lunch and have a cup of juice while printing out all my newer notes
talk about multi tasking!
oh btw, if you like butter shortbread cookies, you've gotta go to foodtown or kmart or wherever (i dunno?) to buy walker's mini shortbread. it's the yummiest and scrummiest butter shortbread i've ever had! last 4 pieces..i should go hide them somewhere....
...mm my stomach's a good place to hide stuff! rofl rofl!
anyway, nothing much to blog abt la. when do i have interesting stuff to blog abt anyway?
umm...went for dad's biday dinner at gengy's manukau yesterday. saw my partner from lifeguard training there! soo happy :) and she remembers me! gosh how i miss all the good times for training :(
food there was ok - but it's not worth it if you cant eat much. it's mainly eating meat. you pick all the meat and some vege you want and add whatever sauces you want and maybe some herbs, then take it to the hot plate and someone'll cook it for you. i liked it since the first time i went there with my work mates, but my parents didnt fancy it too much. *ppffft!
apart from that, nothing much laaa...i'm gonna hurry and finish up my notes-printing task.
- i have a test this evening. 50% worth, but i cant even be bothered. dont ask why i'm blogging instead of studying...
- i got another part time job yesterday. someone wants me to tutor their son. $17 an hour. not bad aye? (jobs just keep coming and coming at me! happy!!)
- i've been shopping a lot on trademe. someone pls block my bank account now! my watchlist is LONGER than your legs!
- i need to remember to send my application in again for an overseas job (teach english in taiwan!) coz they didn't receive my first application -.-" must be a sign they're not interested in me :(
- and that's it. coffee break is over...so i really should go back to my room which feels like an igloo (and i dunno why...) and start studying!
ps: i got a mic/ speaker thing for talking online so ppl in malaysia, if you miss me a lot (HEHEH!) and want to hear my voice, then msn me ok!
pps: i'm just looking for excuses to stay online longer -.-"
ppps: fine. i'll go now :(
me: hello
girl: hi mei! can i ask you something?
me: hang on, who's this?
girl: it's me, you IDIOT!
me: what? hang on. i think you got the wrong person...
*passes phone to 2nd sis*
sis: hello
girl: who're you?
sis: kimberley
girl: can i speak to meiyen?
*passes phone to 3rd sis*
i went back to my sis and told her to tell her friend off for being so rude. i told her to say that when she wants to ring people's house, have some manners and dont use rude words!
woahh never have i came across a child who's SO rude. apparently she goes around saying the F-word in school, and she's merely 11.
if she was right in front of me, i would've slapped her from right to left and left to right and right to left again until she dare not say any swear words again.
gosh have some courtesy to adults, can?!
..then click here.
photos from my bro's wedding. i'm way too lazy to upload it here and there. i've done it one too many times!
i'm feeling a tad better today - thanks everyone :)
went to the gym for a short burst or cardio/ circuit workout and ended up huffing and puffing like a big fat pig trying to run up hill :p
went back down to the pools and jumped in the pool for a few relaxing laps and then did aqua jogging. wow, aqua jogging without the flotation aid really works out your limbs!
after aqua jogging, some kids from CAG (corporate academy group) who gives free lifeguard training came and were gonna start training. my colleague, teina was gonna train them but since he's not in the pool, i told him i'll help him out since i was already in my togs.
so the kids came in the pool (pretty cool kids) and we started doing the usual stuff. i taught them a few tricks for their lifeguard award test (yay for me!) and they found it useful :D spent about an hour training them and left them to practise with teina and i went home.
i'm still feeling really exhausted now -.-"
and the moody-ness is slowly sinking in. god what's wrong with me?!
i've been feeling quite depressed lately. no, i'm not suffering from depression but i feel like nothing i do is making me happy.
i try to do things that'll lift the stress away from me, like going shopping, or go for a work out, or just chill at home and have fun with friends/ colleagues....but nothing worked.
i went out for a BBQ dinner at my colleague's house yesterday. even though i was laughing, i know that something is missing, but i dont know what it is. and i wasn't happy. i felt like i lack a lot of things in life, but there's just too many to try to fix them...i dont know where to start!
i was at work today. i had to jump in to rescue a little girl. instead of walking towards her because i could reach, i started swimming instead. speed isn't my forte in anything, and it felt like forever before i got to her, even though she was only about 12 metres away from where i was before i jumped in. and when i got out and was getting dry in the laundry room, i started bashing myself up for not being one with speed.
and dont even get me started on academics. i'm just the stupidest and possibly the laziest person alive.
now please excuse me while i go stuff myself silly with some junk food and go tire and get myself wasted at the gym and pool tmr.
so my car's finally here.
i have to say, i was less than impressed when i first looked into it - it looks pretty good outside, but peeking in, it looks quite old and grubby. i was so disappointed after seeing all the marks in the cabin.
the previous owner of the car didnt look after it. i doubt they even cleaned it since owning the car and i doubt they cared about it at all. the poor car was covered in grub, dust, dust bunnies and lots of marks here and there. not only that, there was rubbish here and there which i found rather annoying.
the car arrived with a flat battery so the guy at the compliance place jump started it for my dad and the petrol meter was sitting at 0. we had no choice but to drive it straight home as we couldnt fill up at the gas station without risking the car to die on us half way home.
once it was home, i started cleaning it. the first task was to remove all the writing on the glass panel and windows which was a 100% hardwork. next was to clean all the glass panels and windows as it was covered with all the muck from the writing. then it was washing the body itself, scrubbing and scraping all the grime off which was 101% hardwork. then it was getting rid of all the dirt stuck in the glass panel, which for some reason, no matter how many times and how hard i wash it, it's still black - so i've decided to leave it for now, and send it for a wash at the gas station when the car's dirty again.
while washing, it started raining. but because i was quite wet already, i decided to keep washing so i started cleaning all the other parts like wheels, rims, and wipers and finally went inside. i took a short break while waiting for the rain to ease and was out again after the last drop of rain fell.
i had to wipe everything down and try to get rid of all the marks inside the car which is impossible - they must've been there forever. i'm gonna go purchase a carpet cleaner to try to remove all those marks. then it was the vacuuming. gosh that must've been the hardest part. all the yucky stuff were under the mats and i spent ages vacuuming them. then i had to vacuum the mats as well which wasn't too bad i guess. then i started wiping again, thinking "gosh how can ANYONE have such a filthy car?!"
and finally i fixed up the number plates and did some more wiping down here and there. voila! the car looks acceptable now :)
dad said "oh the car looks so much better now that it's all clean!" *smug grin*
anyway, the car itself is pretty good. it picks up speed quite fast, unlike my old mazda, but one thing that's a -ve is the steering. i dont think it's a power steering, but i might be wrong. it just seems heavier than the other cars. other than that, i'm pretty happy with its performance :)
will post photos up when i have some. nite!
- my car is ready for pick-up so we're going once daddy's ready :D
- our guitar's all tuned coz our tuner arrived today. yippee!
- our bundle of joy is arriving in march...come back in march and us me what the bundle of joy is :p
- my papaw ointment is working its magic - joanne, just wait ya! i think i'll ask my bro to bring it back for you!!
- i lost 1-2kgs, but i think i lost muskles, hence the flabbiness. I NEED TO START WORKING OUT AGAIN!!
now, the greatest joy of all - i'm going to collect my car NOW. BYEE!
my shadowing went quite well yesterday. i was super nervous before that as i had to drive there myself (in my daddy's big car!) and the traffic was quite heavy, and i wasn't too sure if i was on the right track. besides, i was running a little late.....
but once i jumped into the pool, i settled down and the person i was shadowing with was really cool. i think she's south african, judging from her accent, and she's been teaching for over 20 years now. she's really cool with kids and have patience that i have never seen before - it reaches the sky and beyond :p
then i went with another instructur called winner. pretty cool name aye! she basically explained to me a few things about working there and some tips and tricks to teach kids, which was pretty awesome!
time just went ticktockticktock and before i knew it, it was 5.45pm already, which means i've been teaching for over 2 hours without realising! see, when you enjoy doing something, time just flies by without you realizing!
anyway, they told me yesterday that the shadowing was to make sure i'll enjoy teaching and working with the people there. i think they're all very very cool and nice people - didn't see anyone i didnt like or seem bitchy or bossy. the pool is awesome as it's bromine and chlorine free, so i didnt smell like a walking bottle of chlorine after soaking in there for over 2 hours. somehow, the water had a soft and smooth feel - when i was in the water and when i rub my skin, it feels really nice and soft and smooth! i wonder why?
they use some ozone process thingy to keep the water clean which is pretty impressive coz the water looks much cleaner than the swimming school at LEP. i'll be more than happy to accept the job once they offer me UNLESS the pay is lower than what i'm getting :p
back to microbiology. t00dles!
the wedding came and ended, my relatives have also came and gone (actually they're still at the airport, or maybe boarding the plane now), and all the stress for the wedding came and went too!
it felt kinda surreal that day. i was sitting in church, thinking "wow, this is it" when i saw my bro all dressed up, and reality smacked me in the face when i saw my sister in law walking down the aisle with her dad. i am officially a sister in law now :D
not like it made any difference, coz i've always thought of her as my sister in law anyway.
the ceremony was beautiful, though i thought it was a tad rushed. it didnt even last an hour, and i am kinda bummed that i didnt get any nice pics of her walking down the aisle - she walked a bit too fast! and when i have some nice pictures, some idiot professional photographer has to be in the way! he better show us some nice photos! grrr..
and the reception itself was ok - i didnt really like the staff at the restaurant, including the boss, coz they weren't very helpful. they agreed that they'll be the one filling up the drinks, instead of living bottles on the tables for guests to do it themselves. we came home with SO many half or 1/3 full bottles, just because of them being lazy.
another thing was, the boss had this really angry look on his face for half the night, which really annoyed me. we're there to celebrate a happy cause, and to look at your dumb angry face! some of the staff had the same look too, but you know what? you're catering for almost 100 people, so it's expected that you would have heaps of stuff to do...dont have to show your grumpy face ok!
besides, we gave you guys the cake at the end of the night to say thank you, and i think my bro gave them a red packet each to thank them as well. i just think it's really rude to be a waitress and show your grumpy face when people are there to have a good time...
but all in all, we thought it went well, except for a few hiccups here and there :)
one thing for sure though, i am never going back to my usual hairdresser - he totally screwed up our timing due to lack of professionalism, and not knowing what their customers want. furthermore, everytime i throw in a suggestion, he'll just brush me off and start saying something else. HELLO IT'S MY HAIR OK and i'm PAYING you to do it!
we got there 2 hours before the time i wanted to be home to do my make up and stuff. his wife sat us down and stood beside her husband and just did nothing. then 20 minutes later, she came back and told my sister to sit down at the other chair. she then started doing this and that to my sister's hair WITHOUT even asking what sort of style we want or what we have in mind. she just started...and then 10 minutes into it, she started saying that my sister's hair is too fine and it's very hard to style. 20 minutes into it, she was saying her hair wouldn't stay after being styled. so i suggested that she used a curling thong to curl her hair and then style it up from there. she nodded, but continued to do what she was doing. where's the curling thong? i bet you they dont even have one!
almost an hour into it, she wasn't even done done half of my sister's hair. i was thinking an hour each would be more than enough, but i assumed wrong. after about 15 more minutes, she finally finished with my sister's hair. at this time, my sister looked as if she was about to start crying. they then started on mine, and again, they didnt ask what i i had in mind. noo...they just kept brushing and brushing and brushing.
i was really disappointed with the way they've done our hair. after the wedding, i came home to remove all the hair pins, only to discover i have a slight bump at the top of my head where they kept pushing the hair pins in very rough. it was SO painful!! i've never come across any hair dressers who just push the pins in without asking if it hurts or anything. and i certainly haven't come across any hairdresser who is SO rough!
just talking about it makes me so damn angry! i'm going to have my shower now coz i need to be a swim teacher shadow at 3.30pm today. bye!
tomorrow's the big day!
...and i have super smexy manly voice.
me: harro! what do you want me to do with the music?
bro: *silence* ... *silence* why your voice like that one! tomorrow can meh??
me: er...*giggles like a man* can la can la
it's not that bad la! i can still talk :p
i've been reading a lot about Lucas' Papaw Ointment - initially it was for me to treat eczema or to stop the itch, but as i was google-ing it, a lot of people mentioned they used it as a lip balm.
i've purchased a small tube online today (as it wasn't available in pharmacies - they only have those in the humungous jars!) so i'll tell you all about the fuss after trying it. but the best thing is, someone said their baby's eczema went away completely after using it for several days.
joanne, if it really works, i'll buy some and send it back to you so your sis can use it ok!!
just got a txt from my colleague saying that it's been nice working with all of us. it was his last day today, and a couple of them went out for steamboat in newmarket, and then everyone else joined them for bowling at panmure. kinda gutted that i couldnt join them, but oh well..
feel kinda sad that he's leaving coz i have this thing for us "trio" who did the seasonal training together. peter, brendan and me. peter's the one leaving to join the police force, so it's just me and brendan left...
hmm...wonder how long more i wanna stay there...
dont know how many of you noticed this in the past, but i have heaps of scars on my arms and legs right? righttttt?
some of them were from insect/ mozzy bites, some of them were from me being careless and scraping myself here and there and dont bother about it (coz i think putting a band aid over a cut or scrape is for pansies :p ) and it'll eventually scare coz i have very sensitive and bad skin.
the more recent scars however, are from this skin condition called.....eczema, aka atopic dermatitis. how the heck did i end up getting that? well, i have no idea. must be some weird concoction available in NZ air that's causing it? but really, i have no clue.
my skin starts itching real badly when i am cold or hot (usually cold) and when i'm stressed out. it usually starts around my ankles, and then everywhere else starts itching. the thing with this itch is, if you dont scratch it, it drives you crazy. if you scratch it, it drives you crazy too! so what am i to do?
i dont know.
i have a hydrocortisone cream which helps relief the itch, but it's not fixing eczema. i dont know if there's a cure to it, coz it's usually in little kids and it goes away when they turn 5, usually. but i'm 22. so will it go away or what?!
funny thing is, my dad's the only other person in my family who has it. it's not contagious btw, so please don't run away when you see me! when my dad went to see the doc, they had no idea what it was. they thought it was an allergy reaction to something, but his only appears on his back and body. so my mum changed the soap, and it didnt get better. back to the doctor he went, and they still dont know what it is!
i only realized it was eczema when i was reading karen cheng's blog coz her son has eczema and she mentioned some of the symptoms and then a lightbulb flashed at the top of my head. and that was when i realised my dad and i have eczema too. i did more readings on eczema and realised the only thing i can do to help with the condition is to keep moisturizing and to keep my finger nails short (which i dont!). another way is to put band aids over the itchy spots so i dont scratch them and end up scarring them.
*sigh* guess i'll be walking around with heaps of band aids for a while :p time to go stock up on 'em band aids! and yes, i'm a pansy for using band aids! LOL~
so hard la, when i have to rely on someone to carpool! i know i know, i've rant-ed about this before..but omg, today is extreme! i woke up at 6.15, thinking that we'd be leaving at 7am as usual. i waited and waited, and not long after, the sun was high and bright in the sky. it was 7.15am already. we never leave that late, so i txt-ed her. no reply. 5 minutes later, i sent another txt, and got a reply. she just woke up.
and she said she'll leave at around 9, for our labs at 10. hm....
so now, i have over an hour to wait.
i really cant wait to get my car. it arrives tmr, and it'll be sent for compliance check. bro said i should get it on tuesday or wed of next week. cant wait cant wait!
ps: i do appreciate that she's giving me rides to and fro uni you know! in fact, since she refuses to gimme a price to pay her, i'm gonna work it out and just give her a lump sum. i feel bad!
we're off to rotovegas (yes, again!) and mt. ruapehu tmr :D :D
*happee happee joy joy*
question is, to ski or not to ski?
but with my leaky nose, i dont think i'll be skiing. dont wanna come back half dead or something since i need to work on wed, and be a first aider after that. dont wanna be the one who needs first aid instead, do i?
anyway, will be back on tuesday ;)
love yous all!
yesterday was really fun!
woke up at 4am and worked from 5-11.30am. it was pretty crazy at the pools from half9 onwards, but since i was in the big pools, i was pretty lucky - being left out from all the screams and shouts from kids and crazy giggles!
came home after work and had to send my sis to botany so she could hang out with her friends. came back home again, and mucked around and then took a nap. 30 minutes later, i got woken up to pick my sis. so i had to go get ready and went out the door again.
had a really early dinner coz we had to be in church from 5.30 till sometime past 8 to help out at the conference. got to church at 5.10pm, and a kind soul showed us where the kindy was :D little cute kiddies started streaming in at 5.45pm, and i started playing with kids around 6.10pm when we closed the door.
there was this one kid in particular whom we thought was a girl. he had really long hair, longer than mine, and were tied into 2 ponytails. we pretty much assumed he was a girl, and then when my sis was looking after him, he said "pee pee" so i took him to the toilet.
at this time, i still thought he was a girl. so he stood by the toilet bowl with his butt facing me (basically standing like how a man would pee). so i picked him up and sat him down on the toilet bowl, and a girl who is another helper, standing behind me went "errrrr..............." and the kid went "nooo...". i looked down and went O.O and realized he had a thingy. so i picked him up again and let him stand to shoot into the toilet bowl.
the other helper and i were just like "err...ok, this is weird" but in my head i was just going "omg wtf omg wtf omg wtf omg wtf" so yeah. we took him back out and he started crying so the leader took over to look after him. then later on, i went to speak to the leader and asked if she knew about the kid being a boy, and she said "yes, after taking him to the toilet this afternoon. before that, we had a bit of a debate"
omg. what's up with the pony tails???
but apart from that, we had a really fun night! i had this girl, called Sophie. she's the cutest little thing ever. i know her mum coz they go swimming quite often so she wasn't too shy with me. we played with bouncy balls, then went over to play play-doh. at one point, i made a teddy bear with a cookie cutter and she started pulling the teddy's head, hands and legs apart. talk about violence at a young age! LOL
and then everything else i made, she'll have them cut in half. omg -.-" hahaha but it was all too cute! then i made a big fat ugly snake, and started chasing her around with it, and she was basically running away to the other side of the room. hehe, then she took some chairs and blocked my path! LOL it's just sooo cute!
had a really good night with all the kids - most of them were really well behaved, except for 2 little boys who started throwing pens everywhere. but they got sent to the naughty corner, ala super nanny and they actually behaved after that!
think all the parents came to get their kids around 8.15, and we left around 8.30pm to go home.
it was a really long day, coz i was running around from 4am to 8.30am, with a 30mins nap in between. after showering, i just KO-ed on my bed.
wouldnt mind volunteering to look after 3-4 years old kids again. they're just SO cute!
twas my brother's birthday on friday, but we postponed his birthday dinner to tonight. all went really well during the day from church to lunch to grocery shopping to everything else.
i bought a cake for my bro as his present since i couldnt think of anything better to get him. anyway, we went out for dinner, and on our way there, dad was talking about cutting our budget a little, mainly to cut down on buying unnecessary food like sweets, chips and etc.
it didn't affect me much, but it did to a certain extent. i mean, really, how much do we spend on that a month? i know i usually buy my own junk food, but to have it smacked into your face with a "no junk food" ruling, that's a little insane...so anyway, dinner went on with me sitting at the corner being rather quiet.
then on the way home, dad continued on the talk. this time about us kids taking too long to shower, spending too much on power and water, and wasting money unnecessarily. fine, i understand that because, why waste money right?
then my mum joined in the "talk". dad did it in a really calm and casual manner. knowing mum, she takes things to a whole new level. calm and casual is now yells and anger. it's not fun. why? because almost everything that they're saying, is not my fault. my sisters are the one who spend 30 minutes in the bathroom, leaving their radio on when no one's in the room or even leaving their room light on when they're not in the room. for me, i spend about 15-20 mins max in the bathroom, including moisturizing my face and etc. i dont leave my room light on, and i dont have a radio in my room.
i pointed that out. but i got ignored.
mum kept going on and on about money, then all of a sudden she said "i dont know why you keep buying things! you're just wasting money!" i got really angry about that because we've been through this talk before - she has no right to control how i spend my money because it's my OWN money which i worked for. i dont take any form of allowance from them, so all my spending money is from my salary or from trademe, or from my savings.
i reminded her that i earn my money and i spend my own money. i then said that when my bro was at my age, he was still 100% dependent on my parents. he got allowance from them, his college/ uni fees were all paid for, his shopping money were provided by my parents and basically everything was provided by my parents. i, on the other hand, depend on them for food, the house and power and water and stuff, and petrol for the car (which i contribute sometimes too). my shopping expenses and everything else is from my own working money....
what right does she have to say about me spending $45 on a pair of shoes? what right does she have to even comment that i spend too much (which i think i dont)? i am for more independent than my brother, and even if i am running low on money, i would never go to them to get money. i've never done it before, even though they offer. i just dont like taking money from them.
anyway, at that point, i started crying. because..i just think it's unfair. i mean, they supported my bro through uni and until he got a proper job. i only get partial support now, and they still want to nag me. so i went to my room and went to shower. then my mum shouted from outside the bathroom "you bought the cake for your brother, come and celebrate it with him!", and i yelled back" YOU WANT TO EAT YOU EAT LA!"
had my shower, then my bro came upstairs to tell me to come down to cut the cake and blablabla. i felt really stink at that time (and i still do), because it's his birthday, and his sister isn't celebrating it with him. but i ignored him anyway. mum apologized from outside my room for wanting to control how i spend my money, but i ignored her anyway. because the way she said sorry was as if she was scolding me.
i heard my dad telling her off for bringing up the topic about me spending my money and etc when i came out of the shower. again, i felt bad because i dont want to add to mum's stress, but you know? i cant please everyone and make myself feel unhappy. i am the kind of person who tries to please everyone, but myself. in the end, i find myself digging a hole that keeps getting deeper and when i try to climb out, i start struggling.
it's time for me to think for myself too, and it's time for others to stop putting their stress on me. i find myself always the one to try to sort everything out, and to worry for others and putting myself in a situation where i get hurt in the end. it's really time to stop all of these things.
i hope my family realises that i am more than what they think i am, and stop releasing their stress/ anger on me. i am not the one they should pick on every single time...
almost everytime something goes wrong at home (like if there's a stain on the carpet or something like that), my mum or dad will almost certainly put the blame on me before even asking. it makes me sick.
i have feelings too mum and dad...
i just made a phone call to a swim school and they want me to go shadow with one of the swimming teachers in 2 weeks time. fun!
shadow means, you stay with a teacher, and basically be her assistant for the duration of the class.
kinda scary in a way for me, coz i havent done lessons in a while...time to dig out my good ol' swim teacher's book and refresh myself on some terminologies :D
if i do get it, this job will be for summer break, on top of my lifeguard job! thought it'll be kinda boring to work as a lifeguard all summer long..and i wanted to try something new.
and also to see if i could do this long term....and see if it really is my ambition to run a swimming school!
wish me all the best!
ps: i've been feeling quite sluggish and down over the last week - i dont know why, but i just feel like that..
i almost cried this morning. i'm just not really feeling good? like, i dont feel like talking or anything. i just wanna be alone.
i went to see this lady at the science student centre to discuss about replacing one of my papers with a math paper. she said NO almost immediately because "chemmat211 is a core paper, and what's the use of the uni sending students out into the industry without completing their core papers?"
when she said that, i could feel my heart shattered into a million pieces, there was no way to piece them back together. i could feel tears rushing to my eyes, but i held them back. i remained silent for a while, and she kept talking about laurie allowing students to do this because he feels pressured and because he has a soft heart.
then she looked up and must've seen how upset i looked, coz she then said "what i can do is to speak to the associate dean but she's away now until early october. i'll talk to her and see if she thinks my decision is too harsh, but in my opinion, i wont let you replace chemmat211 with maths208"
if i'm not approved to do maths208, i'll be staying for another semester. so i asked her if it's possible to put my course on hold for maybe a year or something and come back to continue doing it and she said yes. if i really have to, i think i'll take a year off from uni and go work and travel at the same time. but i think my dad'll want me to finish off my degree. but you know what? i dont care what people want me to do. it's my life i'm leading so why should people tell me what to do?
i always get things like "see! i told you to do computer science and you didnt want to. now you dont even like food science!" thrown at me and it's really annoying coz how does he know i would've liked computer science if i did it? i'm no good at computers at all..why computer science?! there isn't even a demand for computer science in nz!
but i really dont care anymore. a degree ain't everything, but of course, it would be better to have one right? so people, please pray that the associate dean will approve for me to do maths208 ok? if i do maths 208, i'll finish my degree in february coz i can do summer school, but if i dont, i'll finish in july which means all my work and travel plans can be thrown into the drain.
remember to pray!!
come to think of it, you guys will have to wait until the wedding (or for the photos to those not attending the wedding) to see my finished dress :p
i've finally finished it today, and it looks quite different from the picture now. hehehe~ i changed 2 things about it, but i'm not gonna reveal it till another...week and a half!
sorry! if not, no surprise laaa!
dont you hate it when people tail-gate you while you're driving? some stupid asian guy was tail-gating me when i went to pick my sis up from her tutor's place. i purposely went at 50km/hr to piss him off and at one point, i went at 45km/hr (and we were going up hill to, mind you). i usually travel around 60km/hr but when people start tail-gating me, i go slow on purpose.
i really dont get why people do it!
my colleague told me this morning that there's this asian guy who likes to stretch and do taichi in front of the pool in his speedo. he goes up to the gym, then comes down to the pools and strip to his speedo. he'll then walk to his usual spot and start doing whatever he does and when he's done, he'll put his clothes back on and go home. no, he doesnt swim at all but sometimes he goes in the sauna for 3 minutes or something.
anyway, that guy was stretching yesterday, and he was wearing a rather lose speedo. my colleague walked past him and saw something not quite right....and a few seconds later, my colleague realised that his dick was hanging out of his speedo! as this guy doesnt speak english, my colleague figured out that the easiest and simplest way to tell him that his dick is hanging out is to tap his shoulders and point down there.
..and that was what my colleague did. *taptap point* and the guy looked down and went *gasps* and proceeded to tuck it back in his speedo right in front of my colleague and in public -.-" and then he continued stretching -_________-
some people are just so shameless!
some time ago, before i started working, this same guy whose dick wanted to look at the world fell into the pool while stretching! LOL. i find it rather hilarious, coz really, how do you fall into the pool when there's a platform that's about 15inches high?
the same colleague mentioned above also agreed to write me a gym programme :D yay! he asked me if i have any medical conditions, and i said yes. "totally unfit". hahaha
yes, what i saw is as dodgy as my title ;p
i went to shoe warehouse, and i saw this girl walking around. she was wearing a white dress. i noticed her nipples were really obvious aye, so as she walked past me, i realised she wasn't wearing a bra and i could actually see through!
and then when i was on the free bus, she was crossing the road. and she was running across, and her boobies went BOING BOING BOING and obviously all the guys were looking at the free display of bouncing-see-through-boobies.
you may think it's sexy, but her boobies are actually very disgusting :p not that i'm jealous or anything (mind you, i'm happy with mine!), but they just looked disgusting.
and that's my interesting story on my short excursion to queen st :p
smartest ass in the whole wide world.
i'm supposed to be on the ferry now, heading to city..
i keep thinking that the ferry's at 10.30 so i still have plenty of time. thus spending like 30 extra minutes doing my hair and what not.
and as i was coming down the stairs, i suddenly had this thought "oops! isn't the ferry at 10.15? *checks diary* oh shyte. oh well, too late"
so, tell me if i'm smart or not..
now, my only other class for today is at 2pm, which means i can catch the 12.15 ferry. but do i really want to? hmmm...
*thinks hard*
i dunno..but knowing me, i'll probably end up not going anyway.
better go read up on the slides instead.
right after my test paper got taken from my hand, i realised i made a huge mistake!
ugh >"<
but the test was a bitch anyway. aren't all tests like that though? well, except for logic tests. it's one of those tests where you dont need to study much, as long as you understand how to use the symbols and what nots :p
anyway, i'm starving. i've only had 1 up n go, 1 coffee and a bun for the whole day. and well, heaps of lollies to stop my stomach from rumbling during the test.
ugh. ugh. ugh.
but you know what? i'm glad that i'm free-ish from now onwards. this whole week was a hell-ish week for me as i had 2 tests, and 1 assgt due. what a nice welcome back aye! :(
cant decide what to eat. i feel fat, yet i'm super hungry not to have lunch. *sigh* why am i such a pig?
i better sign out now before i talk more crap :p
which is a good thing i suppose. i dont mind contributing a hand here and there where needed :)
somehow, the church people got my name down for helping out during the ONE conference. now, i didnt put my name down this year coz i got quite a full on schedule around the, BUT i got an email from Robyn saying that she got my name from somewhere, and if i could help out looking after little kids during the conference. me being me, liking little kiddies so much, obviously said YES without hesitating. i'll be in charge of 3-4 year old kiddies during the conference, along with my sisters who wanted to tag along ;)
and 5 minutes ago, i just got a call from Jacky (or however it's spelt) saying that she got my name down from somewhere and it said i'm a certified First Aider. ok this time around, i did put my name down coz they needed some volunteers for the kids & youth program. knowing that i cant offer much in this sector, i decided to put my First Aid skills to use. so i wrote down that I can help out in any events if they need me. so anyway, i've been booked for wednesday 3rd oct for the kids holiday program. hopefully no one'll fracture anything :p but in the meantime, i'll put my first aid book to good use and brush up on my knowledge :D
ps: i got a first aid & family health book for $19.90. what a steal!!!!
on a totally different note, my tripod came today. omg! it's so cool! it's extendable to 1.70m, so shorty me can put that to good use when i feel i'm vertically challenged :p and it's so stable! it's not one of those mini tripod, but you know, one of those pro looking ones :D got it for $49 on trademe. gosh i love trademe!
i'm officially a bebo and trademe addict!
now back to boring old chemistry!
i woke up at 4am to get ready for work.
i walked out in the bloody cold at 4.50am and trent was outside my driveway, ready to pick me up
we got to work at 5am, mucked around for 5 minutes, then started doing what we had to.
stayed at work till 9.05am, and scrambled into daddy's car.
came home, got changed into my jammies and scrambled back into bed.
woke up again at 12.30 to have lunch then i promptly started surfing.
and i've been studying logic for over an hour now.
i'm starting to think that i've done way too much for logic - i'm getting more mistakes with more exercises. am i getting stupid?
trent: if she starts talking shit, give her a smack please!
teina: HA?! what for?
trent: look at her piece of paper and see if you understand what she wrote
teina: *stares at my notes* WHAT ARE THEY?!?!?!?!!
amy: philosophy. HEH HEH HEH
trent: told ya!
amy: you got yourself coffee and you didnt even get me one?!
trent: i was, but i didnt know what coffee you wanted, and besides, they dont make extra small coffee. knowing you, you'll just keep going to the toilet after drinking the coffee
amy: not only that...if i go to the toilet, i wont even come out again
trent: why?
amy: cant take milk. it gives me the shits..
trent: OOOO ew!
now, i'm gonna try to do more exercises. if i'm still doing heaps of mistakes, i'm gonna scramble back into bed!
this is sad! it's the last weekend before i'm back to uni and guess what? i'm sitting in front of my laptop typing away and wasting away my precious time doing.............an assignment
tell me i have NO life please. everyone asked me "you goin out tonight?", to which i'll reply "noo...cant.......got an assignment to finish off. sad aye?"
it is sad. truly.
*pulls hair in frustration*
rugby world cup started today. so far, all i know is Argentina kicking France's ass. which is highly unusual. ahhh i dunno :p i just get random people coming up to me (cough, dirty old uncle) telling me about it. lalala~ he talk, i just listen. HAHAHA!
anyway, i think i better head off to sleep. i'll finish off my assignment tmr (formatting and referencing only!!! YAY!) after doing some retail therapy after church :D
yay for new CLOTHES!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
North Central | |
The Northeast | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The Midland | |
The West | |
Boston | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Dear dear. Remember: drive on the left.
"And did those feet
In ancient times,
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
In England's pleasant pastures seen?"
Well, no, but it's a cracking good tune.
How English are you?
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What type of person do you attract? Your Result: You attract geeks! Your stunning intellect and love of sci-fi and video games allures the geeks like nothing else. Maybe it is the sparkle in your eye that makes them want to text you, who knows. Geeks make good partners, but tend to be arguementative. If you are a TRUE geek magnet, you will know if that was spelled correctly, and actually care. If it is a bad-boy/bad-girl you are seeking, you are barking up the wrong tree, unless they are just 'bad' behind a PS2 console. | |
You attract unstable people! | |
You attract artsy people! | |
You attract models! | |
You attract rednecks! | |
You attract Yuppies! | |
What type of person do you attract? Quizzes for MySpace |