Sunday, December 21, 2008

it's interesting that i suddenly have the urge to blog. i haven't written a post for quite a while now..probably about a month?

it's funny how so many blogs are starting to die off now!

anyway, i just felt like ranting, hence why i'm blogging =p

i hate working the 6 day week shifts. it's so exhausting, especially when you're at the 4th day and your brain automatically thinks that one more day of work, and days off would be right there. nope. you have to trick your brain into thinking it's only the 3rd day, and that there are 2 more days before i get a break!


i try to sleep early, esp when i have early shifts. i'm usually in bed by around 10pm when i have early starts, but i dont fall asleep till a bit later, resulting in difficulties in waking up in the morning.

it's my 5th day of working today, and i really am just sitting by my desk stoning away.....and when i answer calls, i do them half-heartedly, which is really bad! i try to do the whole positive thingking thing (because i've just been sent away on a positive thinking course), and it works for a little while, then i lose it again.

honestly, i think i'm going crazy and my body cant handle the exhaustion. signs that i'm growing old =(

but work is work. no work, no money, no good. so here's to work, and another 8hours and 6 minutes of today.


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