Saturday, June 09, 2007

time goes ticktockticktock...

it's amazing to see how little babies grow up so quickly..

is it really quickly, or does time just fly by without us actually realising it?

i was just browsing through some photos on bebo, and i can literally see my team leader's baby growing!! from a wee one she was back in nov, until now. that's about 6-7 months in total, but she looks so different from when she was in nov!

in nov, she still looked like a wee baby. but now, she looks like a toddler! she's got the cutest yet cheekiest smile ever! i love looking at her pics, coz she's just so cute, and the way she just makes my heart melt!

she's coming along on our trip to rotorua as well, so i'll try my best to make friends with her then ;)

ps: i'm not posting up any of her photos, coz i dont think that's very nice, but if you really want to have a look, you can go to: and under my friends list, look for darryl. and if possible, click on his other half's bebo page as well coz she has more recent photos of the wee one.

i'm off to bed. i really cant be bothered doing any more questions for chemmat coz i've already spent one whole day doing question after question. i hope this'll help in the exam!! nite..

christine, go rock the exam tomorrow ok!! good luck babe!

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