Wednesday, June 06, 2007

i declare WAR on water retention!

i went to foodtown (supermarket) just before swimming to get a packet of prunes and some other necessities. guess why i'm getting prunes?'s because i'm declaring war on water retention. if my weight gain is really due to water retention (no thanks to the pill), then the prunes should do its job by making my bowel go crazy and you'll see me dashing for the loo. hopefully this'll work coz i dont know how else to combat water retention -.-"

also got some caffeine pills because for some strange reason, no matter how much i sleep, i'll still be sleepy, and it's really not good for studying. i need to be wide awake and be able to concentrate...else, i'll die. period.

and i got horleys replace which is an isotonic powder, instead of buying powerade. they cost too much, so i have to look for alternatives. i do remember seeing foodtown quay st selling powerade powder, but i cant seem to find it anymore. anyone know where i can get it from?

that's it for now. dinner time, and then prison break.

much love!

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