Thursday, December 07, 2006


ex-boss tried to fatten me up -_-
dad and i went to her restaurant after i finished work, and we both ordered our food, and when we were done, she brought a HUGE glass of lychee milkshake to me! and told me to finish it >"< and she said "you have to be fat like me!" O.o no thank you!

anyway, doing my swim assessment tmrw. mr manager said i can do it in the leisure pool :D which is like, 1.3m at the deepest end. bwahahaha, is mr manager cool or what?

mm, what happened at work today..

- had to attend to a little girl, who cut her toe on the lane rope (i wonder how?!)
- met a new lifeguard: probably one of the oldest and cannot speak english -_- oh yeah, it's gonna be fun communicating with her..
- errr..cant think of anything else. nothing "interesting" happened today.
- OH!! i taught little kids how to swim :D actually, make that smiley this >:( they were autistic kids. and it was SO difficult trying to get their attention. the only time you'll get their attention is when you put them on the "magic carpet" which is basically a huge piece of foam that floats and they can sit on it and you push them around.

i have to teach 20 hours to get my Assisstant Swim Teacher Award (ASTA) and i only did 1 hour and 45 minutes today. GOSH i have 18 hours and 15 more minutes to go before i get awarded -__- i think i'll do another 2 hours tomorrow :$ it's gonna draggggg.........


Peter said...

Wow, you're sick of teaching kids already?

Amy C said...

erm, autistic kids :p

i enjoy teaching people to swim. i had a really good group of kids today :)

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