Wednesday, December 13, 2006

left work early today and drive like a crazy woman to the doctor's coz my face was itching like mad -.-" thank God mr team leader was nice enough to let me off early and find someone else to jump into the pools and pretend to drown.

i owe him BIG time, but then he owes me big time too :p in fact, he owes me erm, bigger time. i've jumped into the pools TWICE for him, and i was gonna jump in today too, but the itch was driving me crazy.

oh yah, i have rashes on my face. why? because ms. smarty poo here went to make a paste out of cinnamon powder and honey to apply on her face as a home remedy to pimples -__- lesson learned. honey never ever touch my face again. my face is SO ugly now :(

oh wells. tired. going to get ready for bed now. night!


c.ho said...

lol.. i suppose honey doesn't work then..

Peter said...

*shrug* I never noticed anything out of the usual? You sure you're not overreacting?

Amy C said...

c.ho: it works in small amount. not wen i smear it all over my face like a mask -.-"

peter: it doesnt become obvious unless i scratch them, but the doc gave me some cream, so it's slightly better now.

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