Sunday, December 31, 2006

I finally have some time to sit on my comfy chair at home. It's been a long day, especially having to wake up early (read: 9am) on my day off! Usually on my days off, I'll be in bed until the sun is high up in the sky and I'll only crawl out of bed when I feel like it, unless I have something planned for that day.

Anyway, the day started off with me picking Jacques, Justina and Caleb up to go to Jo's surprise party. I drove down to Whitford with 'em commenting about my driving (pffft! next time drive yourself!), and when we got there, we waited for a while for the big guy (Eugene) to arrive, coz he's the one who organised everything. When he arrived, he transported us to Jo's house with a big car - had to hide our cars from Jo so she wouldn't suspect anything when she got back, and the preparation started. Jo's parents and relatives were busy with the food, while us YOUNG ones were doing the decos, and the shorter ones (*cough* Len and myself) were just...standing around :p

Had a big feed there, ate a really nice ice cream cake which Eugene made, had a walk around their property (they have a farm!) and played some games, then I headed to Lucy's after dropping the other 3 off at Jacques' place. Going back a little, the farm adventure was...interesting.

First of all, I had to put on gum boots (thanks Jo for the boots! saved my shoes from getting poop-tified), then we walked to where the chickens and turkey were. Now, this is where the adventure started. Everyone who knows me well will know that I'm scared of birds. Well, chickens are birds right? A bigger version of birds I'd say...Anyway, I was standing around with Len and a few others, and this whole mob of chicks and a few chickens started coming towards us. I got scared and started screaming, and then Len got scared because I started screaming, and so she started squealing! Then everyone started laughing! So mean, laughing at us being scared of those chickens! Didn't your parents teach you to not laugh at other people's misery? HUH???

Later on, Daphne pointed out that we do NOT have to walk past the whole mob of chickens because it's a dead end at the other end (PHEW!!), so we turned around and walked through the gates. Then we walked, and walked, and walked, and stopped. And there was a tree house, and a swing! It's called, 'the swing'. You basically climb up a small platform, then sit on a small cut-in-half log, life your feet up, and scream your guts out. Why? Because once you step off the platform, you'll be about, 4metres off the ground. But it's fun nevertheless, once you've gathered enough guts to step off the platform.

Anyway, when we were at the swing, this peacock decided to hunt us down and watch what we're doing. It stood there, and will start er, shouting (?) every now and then. VERY LOUDLY. Everytime it did that, I'll freak out. I felt like putting it on the swing and send it off flying, somewhere far far away, but I don't think Jo'll be very pleased...

Had some button-bashing adventure at Lucy's place on PS2 playing SoulCaliber III. I do NOT have hands made for playing games. And button-bashing is just not my cup of tea, aye. My hands got so tired after ONE game -_-

After dinner, I picked Stefan up and we went to Shaun's place. They played table tennis for a while, then we headed to the beach for stone-throwing, which I failed miserably! After that, we headed back to Shaun's place, and I played table tennis, for what, first time after 15 years? After a little bit of practise, I got quite good :D At the very least, I can serve and I can hit the ball back and forth now :) Then June came, and we started chatting. And just before we left, we had a really good time teasing Shaun out him and his intimate partner (read: vacuum cleaner). It was mainly Stefan teasing Shaun about using vacuum cleaner for intimate purposes, but it got so funny that Shaun's brother started rolling around on the table tennis table to laugh at him.


And that's my day. I'm heading off to bed now. G'night!

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