Sunday, August 12, 2007

some happyfying photos i stole from Eli's bebo page :D

dont we all look HAPPEEEE? i love this pic :D it shows how happy i was during the trip!

on the skyline with DaddyDarryl, Eli(with cap), PeterPan and KevinBigHead (thanks for blocking me!)

one big happy family :D
L-R: Shanae, me, Kevin, Daddy (!!), Sade, Eli, Deidre and Peter (crouching)

ps: i call Daddle Daddy coz he played my Daddy during the whole trip, looking after small me! LOL. and he's still my Daddy at work. HEE!

ps: i believe what goes around comes around (in another word, Karma) because someone covered the cost for my new ipod to replace the one that got stolen. ain't he nice? hehe

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