Friday, May 18, 2007

another day in my mundane life..

currently, i'm...:

  • staring at my empty bowl of cookies and cream ice cream, longing for more...

  • thinking about kennysia's latest entry (the unfortunate accident)
    now, he said in his entry that he had received First Aid training before. i still have a First Aid cert that is valid, meaning i'm a certified First Aider. if i was in his position, would i have freaked out like him? i dont know, i might have, but maybe not....or i hope not! we've had a few incidents at my workplace now, and usually superman is there to do whatever he needs to so i can just stand at the side to watch and learn or be his helper by running to grab stuff and etc. i've never freaked out before in those incidents, but i suppose it's different when it's a major accident that involves lifeless bodies and blood everywhere.

  • waiting for time to go by a tad quicker (just today!) so i can go for my hair appointment at half 3.

  • thinking about those rich people, who owns really exp. high range designers stuff. but i think she's very lucky to have a partner who can support her kind of lifestyle and also her partner's family seems to really like her. well, she looks really sweet and nice anyway..
...i think i'll go and have a look at my today's to-do list and start getting something done.

ps: some people on trademe are SO dumb. there's this seller who listed a laptop at $1 reserve, but obviously the price will shoot up when the auction is about to close right? someone asked "will you take $20 buy now, cash today?" -.-" idiots..

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