Sunday, January 07, 2007


piccies of me in glasses..but most of you's have seen me wearing my glasses anyway :p

i still dont like my glasses. i reckon they're ugly on me -_- but oh well, didn't pay a couple hundred bucks for nothing..

my sister and i. she looks so tired...and wasted. ROFL!


c.ho said...

your glasses look good on you la..

er...... i can't recognise your youngest sister :|.... she looks.. kinda different.... like... a bit like mei li edi.. or is it just the photo?

Amy C said...

erm, no la. doesnt suit me. those are the best pics -.-"

er, she looks the same to me. just her hair..looks so fugly. hahaha mum's hair also. seriously. makes her look SO old. i like meili's hair and glasses tho.

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