i smacked myself on the right ear by accident this morning, while washing my hair, and because it's just my luck to be hit with misfortunes/ miseries, i smacked spot on, on the new piercing.
now my ear is swollen like a fat pig >"< and ouch, it hurts! hopefully it'll be fine by friday so i can still attend meeting + training (even though i'm secretly dreading training).
work was alright today. spend the last 1.5 hours water blasting the tiles in front of the lockers. managed to get all the dirt + grime + mould out of the tiles by the end of it, but gosh! it took so long just to water blast a small section!
the most annoying thing happened while water blasting. i put out TWO BRIGHT YELLOW signs saying "area closed for cleaning" and also a portable barrier to block of the place i was cleaning, but some people JUST DONT READ SIGNS! they pushed the barrier off, and walked in to put their stuff at the lockers.
for goodness sake, stay outta the way, will ya? READ the signs la! dont just walk between them or push off the barrier and pretend i'm not there. and when you get splashed with grime or get water blasted, dont give me a weird look. GEE, i did NOT ask you to walk into the area i CLOSED off. obviously, there's a reason why the barrier is there!
but other than that, mr manager + mr team leader + myself had a good laugh at this lady before i started my shift this afternoon. i had a lady whining to me about how she found 12 band aids and that she's not happy as she paid to come in and the swimming pool is dirty. so i explained to her that before opening for the late evening swim, we only have 15 minutes so we cant really put the vacuum in to suck all the rubbish out. she then said "i'm still not happy! i'll be ringing at 9am tomorrow to complain!" and i said "OK!"
well, seriously, there's nothing i can do ok? you want to complain, go ahead and complain la! so she rang up my manager this morning, and said "the pool was filthy when i went to swim yesterday. i found 8 band aids AND A SANITARY TOWEL!"
so i asked my team leader about the sanitary towel, and he said "it wasn't a sanitary towel! it was one of those wrist bands the kids had for the aquarun! i scooped it out along with all the band aids!"
so then mr manager said "she said she knows how a sanitary towel looks like!"
*cue for all of us to burst out laughing*
the lady also said "i spoke to the asian girl (me) and she said there's only 15 minutes between closing and opening again for the late evening swim. the english guy (team leader) however was really rude!"
team leader said "i only told her that it wasn't a sanitary towel and that it was a wrist band! how was i rude? geez!"
it was so funny, but you had to be there to see what was actually going on. LOL. when team leader and i were talking about it, sophia happened to be in the office as well, and she looked at us with such a puzzled expression on her face, it made us crack up even more. brendan who was outside watching the pool so us laughing so badly he started cracking up too. *rofl*
anyway, sorry to bore you's all :p
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
it's amazing what a short prayer can do sometimes :)
i took the time to say a short prayer today, while driving to work. i prayed that work will be an interesting day, and that time will just zoom by quickly and i also prayed that it will not be too hot inside, so that my sunburn will not hurt.
and guess what?
...all my prayers were answered, and God even threw in a few extras.
for a start, the first 2 hours of my shift just went by SO quickly, i thought i've only been on duty for 30 minutes! then the rest of the time just went by, and before i knew it, only Ginga and myself were in the facility! that means HOME TIME!
work was interesting today because i met a lot of nice people, who were really understanding. take this guy for example, who was swimming in the medium lane, but was swimming quite slowly. i put on a nice smile and approached him, explained what's going on, and he said "not a problem at all! thanks for telling me!!" and proceeded to move to the slow lane :)
then later in the evening, Ginga said "oh we've got to clean the chrome bars" and that means removing rust from the bars, which i've done on saturday, but didn't do a good job (yikes!). i told Ginga "i'm NOT doing that! i've done it on saturday and it's HELL-ish!" then he said "alright. you can tidy the office instead!" and i flashed him a smile and trodded happily into the office and started tidying.
then he came in to the office and i went "TADDAAAA! look! i cleaned and pretty-fied your workspace! now, dont you dare mess it up again..or elseeeeeee.....!!!" and he said "MY STUFF!!! WHERE'RE ALL MY STUFFFFFF??????? AMYYYYYYYyyyyy..." in his scottish accent. so funnyyy!
LOL. i told him to look in the bin for his stuff. *rofl*
then after tidying up, i went to poolside to watch the pools, and this man who comes in to swim everyday waved me down and said "excuse me! were you at parachute?" and i said yes! then he said "i thought i saw you!" LOL. kinda interesting how people recognises me when i'm out of work. but of course, i haven't got a trail of fans like Jacques do! LOL!!!! everywhere we went during Parachute, Jacques was bound to bump into someone he knew either from work or somewhere. tsk tsk!
oh yah, sometime during the evening, Ginga said "you'll most likely get the PT job. Gaz likes you a lot, for some reason". LOL. and i thought my manager didn't really like me..but it's all good :) now i'm thinking whether to continue with my job or not. but i'll just apply and see how it goes :) then, Ginga went away to get me something, and came back saying "see! i'm so clever! i knew who would be getting the seasonal positions even before Gaz told me! you, peter and brendan!"
apparently, a few others applied too, but only us 3 got it. heee, i feel special :D no seriously, i've been such a big failure at applying for jobs, but then this time, Gaz let me through, which is just awesome! hehe, and not only that, he supposedly likes me :) why, he likes me coz i'm such a hardworking staff!! *blushes*
anyway, it's late, and my sunburn's killing me, so i'm gonna go rub cucumber all over my sunburn now, and then head off to bed.
nite ya'll!
Monday, January 29, 2007
i'n back from PARACHUTE '07!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was smashin' :D:D:D
and i have a new TAN!! a very UNEVEN one.
i totally forgotten to put sun block lotion on my chest, and it's like, SO RED..like a lobster..and there i was, earlier, laughing at a guy who was as red as a lobster...and my back, i've got my muscle back top and bra straps' marks -.-"
my leg's still as white as boiled chicken, but my face is quite tanned.
other than that..........it was REALLY good. minus the dust, minus the heat, minus the waiting time, minus the LOOONNGGG day, minus the sinus problems i'm having now...
i got burned at places i didnt apply sun block lotion and it FREAKIN hurts!! i hope it ain't gonna peel!
now how am i gonna wear my lovely dresses with such ugly uneven tan?!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
what an uneventful day...actually, scratch that. it WAS rather eventful :p
woke up, got ready, went out shopping @ dressmart to get a replacement of my fave drink bottle which died yesterday when i was on duty at the lap pool. it took a dive from the high lifeguard chair and it broke into pieces :( bummer!!
so yeah, went today to get it, and it was 80cents cheaper coz they had a sale going on :D was gonna get a nike one instead, coz i've always wanted a nike one...but ginga (team leader) has the exact same one, so i decided that i wont be a copy, and i'll be unique and stick to my funkae ripcurl one.
walked around, got a bikini top from glassons for $4.95 (reduced from like, $20 i think...) - told ya i'm the SHOPPING/ GOOD DEALS QUEEN!!!! and also got a fashion tape from bling $4 cheaper than their retail stores :p
after that, went to sylvia park to grab lunch (which was horrible - will tell you's more about it another time), and went to foodtown to get a can of redbull for stefan who was apparently dying at work -.-"
after that, drove to blockbuster @ highland park to give stefan his redbull, chatted for a wee while, and i headed home. then jacques and i went to get snacks for tmrw, and then he had to go to harvey norman to get a transmitter for the ipod. saw mike there and was looking for paul and chrissy, but didn't see any of them. so we left, then jacques wanted ice cream, so we went to mcD, and he got TWO soft serves for himself - GREEDY i tell ya'll! and he didnt even finish HALF of his 2nd one. POOOOS! nyehehehe :D cant say "do you want a ride or not?!" anymore :p coz by the time you read this, i would've gotten ma' ride!!
then he dropped me home, and i bummed around for a while, then started washing my car. the inside was quite dirty, but with my vacuuming skills, it's all good now. the outside was still tolerable, but i washed it half-arsedly :p mum said "WHOA! finished washing already?! that was quick!" and i said "of course! i'm skilled!" BWAHAHAHA! skilled my FOOT!
anyhoo, gonna continue packing now....i cant find half the things i want/ need. oh wells >"< hopefully i'll have everything i need tmrw.
sunscreen for face and body...DONE!
mobile, camera, wallet...DONE!
cap, sunnies..DONE!
face wipes...DONE!
drink bottle...DONE!
light jacket...nope. gonna get it when i'm upstairs
...and i'll probably need some random stuff. food's with jacques so yeah, i think i'm ready.
Friday, January 26, 2007
photoblog of all sorts
fotoblog1: specs
i think i'm starting to blend into my glasses, so i'll wear 'em more often :)
realised i had really nice hair yesterday (*cough*) so i decided to pose and take some pics before sleeping. hahaha, yes i'm a vain pot :p
fotoblog2: fugly shoesthese shoes may be ugly-as, BUT they are comfy-as!!! seriously! i used to wear my nike sneakers to work, and after standing for 8 hours a day, the arch of my foot will just hurt like crazy at the end of the day. however, as soon as i started wearing these, the pain stopped, and even standing 8 hours a day is a no-problem now :)
fotoblog3: paul's 21st bday bash
as usual, the obligatory "before going out" pics :pi like this over-exposed (camera terms) pic, coz it doesnt show my blemishes and pimples and whatnots! LOL
didn't get a pic with the bday boy himself, coz he was busy entertaining everyone :p and no one seemed to be going camera-trigger-happy, so i decided to keep my camera in my bag!cam-whored with stefan but hand was a little shaky (no, it wasn't because of the alcohol...), so we took another pic.
...and he did that without me realising it -.-" he cracked up after we took this pic, so i had a look at it and realised why he was cracking up!! pfffftttt!
so at the party, i knew like, a handful of people...all of them from high school days. it was fun catching up with them, as they're the people i seldom see. anyway, apparently there were about 50 of them there, and i knew like, 8 people at most? didn't mingle around much coz everyone seemed quite...close to their own little niche, so i just sat around and talk to my friends.
had 2 cups of "spiked" fruit punch which was really yummy, but i couldn't taste the vodka at all. stefan said they only added half a bottle. hahahahaha~ no wonder my face didn't go red! there were heaps of beer and cruisers lying around, but i'm no big fan of beer, and didnt feel like a cruiser. so i stuck to the fruit punch..
bday boy had to drink all the beer in the yardy glass and he probably spewed like 3/4 out before even finishing it. but he wasnt drunk! think he spewed coz he ate WAY too much before drinking it. was quite disgusting seeing him spew, but *phew* coz his mum tossed him a huge bucket before he started drinking. what a considerate mum! LOL
made ONE new friend that night called Mike. he's pretty funny aye, going around guessing everyone's country of origin and kept saying "yep. i'm alright" later on in the night. hahahaha! he sat beside me for a while and i think he said "yep. i'm alright" like, 10 times in a span of 3 minutes? funny thing was that, he was actually slurring a little while talking to us. *rofl*
that's mike and me :) see how wasted he looked??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA!! ooh, and do you see the yardy glass behind the couch? that's how much beer paul had to drink that night!!
anyway, i left around 12, coz it was getting pretty quiet then, and i was feeling quite tired...this was after the party at home. no comments on my chunky arm, thank you very much!
but here, you can comment on this pic (but dont be jealous, yea!):WHAT DO YOU SEE? I SEE MUSKLES!!!! *rofl*
actually, i took that pic to see how huge my arm really is, but then i decided to keep it to show you all how chunky my arm is :p the pic looks weird. why? coz i look rather femine (i'd like to think do!) and then i have the smallest wrist, and i'm watching a nice girly watch, and suddenly there's a super chunky arm! hehehe~
and that ends my photoblog. hope you's all enjoyed. and stop sniggering at my chunky arm. you know you WANT it! pfffft!
ginga's li'l one is SOOOOOO cute!!
i want to pinchcuddlepinchpinchpinchcuddlekiss her!!!!!
she cried @ trent in the office, and then when ginga walked out carrying her, i touched her little arm and patted her on her head. then she looked at me.................and threatened to cry.
:( :( :( :( :(
HOWCOME KIDS DONT LIKE ME?!?!?!?!!??!!??!!?!?!?!??!!?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
it's 11.38am and i start work at 1.15pm. that means..i have about 1.5 hours to spare before i start working.
i have NO idea what to do. i was planning to go swimming, to you know *cough* work out and continue to improve stamina coz i think my stamina just died after training...since i dont work so hard anymore *sweat*
...but as always, when it comes to time to work out, i'll have 108383948108 excuses that i can come up with. so instead of lying in bed coming up with all those excuses and wasting time, i decided to just say NO and promise i'll go swimming tomorrow (PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE!) and get out of bed and do something else.
then i realise i have nothing else to do. like, what is there to do? clean my room? nah, it's all tidy. the bathroom? mum just cleaned it the other day. the store? mum's cleaning it now, and i dont think she wants me in there coz the store's so small..
i could make something for lunch later, but heck, i'm just gonna stop by the bakery and get some sammies.
oh, i wasted 5 minutes typing this up. another 12 entries like that and i'll be all good
Monday, January 22, 2007
MASSIVE shopping spree today.
..but i feel sorry for my card which i swiped over and over and over again :p
it's all good. kinda like, my reward for working so hard this summer :D and well, to be honest, i haven't shopped ALL that much...i buy stuff off and on!
but today, everything..and i mean EVERYTHING i bought was on sale. i caught all the good deals!!
me = queen of good deals & shopping
Friday, January 19, 2007
it is at moments like this that i feel like moving out.
all the unnecessary stress caused by parents. seriously, they make life a living hell for me. it's almost as if they're discreetly forcing me to move out...
so, apparently, mum's menopausing (i dont know for sure) and dad's....i dunno.. man-o-pausing? they both have the craziest mood swings ever, and i kinda wish i have the late shifts everyday so i dont have to see them for most of the day.
like, i'll wake up, get everything done, then go swimming, shower @ work, then start work. by the time i get home, they'll all be asleep, and i'll do my own things happily. good, right? maybe i'll talk to me team leader about scheduling me for more late shifts.
spoke to mr manager about what happened yesterday just before i left work. he was standing at the staff carpark, and he was fooling around a bit, and then he asked me how i'm finding work, so i told him that it's alright..but yesterday someone complained about me.
i explained what happened, and he said "dont take the stress home aye..afterall, it's only a job. you cant please everyone with what you do. dont let it upset you."
felt so much better after hearing that from mr manager himself. ah well...gonna go emo in the bathroom while i shower. *sigh*
Thursday, January 18, 2007
photoblog: cartilage piercing & sis in law's bday
had trouble sleeping last night, coz i'm so used to sleeping on my right side. had to basically force myself to sleep on my left, because everytime i sleep on my right side, my piercing hurts. it's quite sensitive still, but it should be better as time goes by :) as long as i look after it!
pics from sis in law's bday dinner @ barracudas.
didnt get any pics of the other people, since they are all camera shy -.-" they said "i'm NOT a tourist!"
what can i say,..?
i just got back from 45 minutes of aquajogging, and the whole time i was aquajogging, i was thinking about this particular lady, and we'll name her ms. b*tch for now.
i arrived at the swimming pool, and the receptionist on duty told me that someone filed a complain about me. and she asked if i remembered the lady who was swimming in the fast lane, and i knew who she was talking about. i explained what happened to the receptionist, and she said "oh well...you'll learn from your mistake!"
and i was thinking...WHAT MISTAKE?! did you even hear MY side of the story?!
this was what happened:
during peak hour, i was on duty in the lap pool. there's a learning to swim lane, 2 slow lanes, 2 medium lanes and 2 fast lanes. all the lanes were pretty full, with an average of about 4-6 people in a lane.
a lady who was swimming in the fast lane waved me down, so i approached her to see what the matter was. she said "can you throw that guy out of the fast lane????", in a very rude manner. i then asked what the problem was, and she said "he's NOT a professional swimmer! look! he doesnt even have goggles on! and he's holding me up!!"
so i said "okay, but you're swimming with flippers, so you're a lot faster than him..." and she said "that's WHY i'm in the fast lane!" which makes perfect sense right. she has flippers on, and she's swimming in the fast lane. so i said "i'll keep an eye on him" and she continued swimming.
i stood at the end of the lane to monitor the guy's speed. she said he's not a professional swimmer and that he doesnt have goggles on. granted, most professional swimmers DO swim with a goggles and a swimming cap. also, this guy was swimming freestyle head up. what the lady said DOES make sense, but then, i really have no reason to chuck him out of the fast lane..
because, he was swimming faster than a few other professional swimmers even though he was swimming freestyle head up. if i were to throw him out of the fast lane, i'll have to throw everyone out of the fast lane to please the lady who was swimming with flippers!
also, just because he isn't a professional swimmer (or rather, he wasn't swimming with goggles), it doesnt mean he cant swim in the fast lane. he DID NOT hold anyone up other than that lady who complained about him. i thought it was really unreasonable to throw him out of the fast lane, coz if he goes to the medium lane, EVERYONE else will be holding him up!
also, the fact that there are 2 fast lanes available, if the lady really wanted to, she could hop to the other fast lane, instead of making a big fuss out of it right? after all, she IS the source of the problem. not the other guy. when you swim with flippers, you have to be more considerate and try to pace yourself so that the other people do not hold you up. if you cant do that, then you over-take the slower swimmers.
with flippers on, you swim twice as fast as someone swimming without flippers.
well, what can i say? if i really wanted to be cheeky, i could've said to her:
"well, lady, look. i'm a lifeguard. if someone was drowning in this pool, i cant just jump in with my work uniform on, can i? it's not professional enough. i should tell the poor person who's drowning to hold on a minute, so i can go change into my professional attire: put my swimming cap on, goggles and put my proper togs on, get the proper rescue aids, and then only jump in. now, is that what i should do?"
it's not like she paid to use the facility. i cant believe she's going to put a formal complaint through, just because i didnt throw the guy out of the fast lane. *sigh* there goes my reputation of being the "good worker". hope mr manager will understand the situation...but there's always the security video to prove how fast the guy was swimming!
hope all goes well..
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
i got my upper ear pierced!
it doesn't even hurt that much. whoever said that the higher you pierce on your ear, the more painful it is. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH! it hurts all the same as piercing your lobes!
got it done at fushcia in newmarket. i initially went to streetwise, but the people there are REALLY scary. they have tatts and piercings like, ALL OVER their face and who knows where else! and the ambient was just...eerie. so i left after asking a few questions, and decided to walk down to fushcia. the lady there was really nice, and she explained everything to me in detail and told me to think about it. before deciding (not pushy, me likey!). so i had a browse around the shop, and then thought about it, and decided about 3 minutes later. hehe
then she took me to a room, which looked really clean (sorta like a dentist), and i felt SO much better than i was at streetwise. and she asked me to choose where i wanted to pierce by drawing 2 dots on my ear, and she said in-between those dots will look really nice, so i went with in-between :D
then i sat down, and she stuck the gun to my ear, and 1 second later, i have another stud stuck in my ear. now i'm thinking of getting another one, a little lower than the new piercing...but i'll wait for the new piercing to heal a little first. it takes a few months to really heal, so yeah...
shopped a little at newmarket, but didnt buy anything, other than a bracelet and necklace (which i'll modify myself) and some food thingies. that's it!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
i dont think i'll ever step foot into the gym again (...unless i'm going to the lunchroom or something...or to check guys out :D)
because i've discovered the perfect way to tone your legs and arms and abs!!!!
AQUAJOGGING my loves!!
i gave aquajogging a go today after i finished my shift at work, and boy, it was DRAINING and hard work! it took me a good 10 minutes to warm up, but just during the warm up session, i was huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath already! but after the warm up, things got better and i could keep going and going and going!
did more than 30 minutes of aquajogging today, and a few laps of swimming in between and water-treading. i'm trying to pick up a new water treading skill which doesnt require the hand sculling motion (akin to how water-polo players tread water).
the best thing about aquajogging is that i dont have to get my hair wet :D unless i plan to swim!
personally, i think water fitness is a really good way to work out. why? because you don't feel the strain while doing it but it actually requires more effort because you're in water! i think i'll make my new year's resolution now: aquajog at least 3 times a week while i'm still working.
let's see if i can keep to my one and only new year's resolution
anyone wanna join me for my next aquajogging session?
it's SO difficult to be ME sometimes. mum just keeps nagging at me. for what reason? i really dont know. she's picking on everything and anything to nag at -.-"
it's only her 2nd day at work, and this is the result of it. she comes home from work, cooks whatever for us, and while eating, she'll start her nagging, and just puts me off my mood aye.
i'm in such a FOUL mood now. i'm like, on the other end of the spectrum from where i was before mum got home. *sigh*
dad told her to not cook coz we can just eat out, making life easier for everyone - herself (so she doesnt need to rush home to cook, then clean) and for the other people (so we dont have to listen to her nag nag nag and get herself pissed off). when my mum gets pissed or annoyed, she starts doing EVERYTHING at one go. she'll clean the WHOLE kitchen, do the laundry, clean the garage...clean the WHOLE house basically....and then she'll explode.
like, hello? you're annoyed, and you fill yourself with MORE work, and then get annoyed, and we as kids (especially ME) suffer from you exploding. where is the fairness in that?
hey, you work 8 hours, i work 8 hours too! i think she gets to sit at work, while i stand 95% of the time i'm working. she also works in a fully air-conditioned place, while i work in a stuffy environment....and i started work at 5am this morning. and i havent had a break since last freaking monday.
and when i say all that...she'll just look at me and say "SO?!"
Monday, January 15, 2007
my break is....when?!
i got woken out of my slumber by my dad because trent called me -_- at NINE in the morning! my alarm was set for half nine, so there, i lost half hour's worth of sleep! sleep that is MUCH needed too!
we've been so under-staffed lately it's not even funny. i didnt even have my last 10 minutes break yesterday coz we didnt have enough staff watching the pools, and i didnt want to leave poolside to go on my break and leave victor watching 2 pools by himself. as if he doesnt have enough to deal with already - what with a little child almost drowning due to the lack of supervision from his mum. victor had to get the oxygen tank and etc out for that little boy, and he told the mum to send the boy to A&E because there might be water in the boy's lungs, which may or may not have effects later on, but guess what? the mum said "it's okay.." -__- hello??!! retard!
oh, trent called me to go in to work today. 12-8.30pm today, and 5-1.30pm tomorrow *dies* i forgotten that i have my early shift tomorrow and i went to choose the 12-8.30pm shift when trent called. sheeeeeshh! trent promised to buy me lunch :D whee~ LOL
i was actually quite looking forward to my break today, coz i worked from monday of last week till yesterday (sunday), so that's 6 days of work. my next break is on wednesday, so that means i would've worked for 8 days non-stop until i get a day off work -.-"
no wonder i've been having funny dreams about work these few days...
restaurant & food review: barracuda @ bucklands beach
atmosphere: the restaurant's overlooking bucklands beach, so you can expect a nice scenery while you dine. the atmosphere in the restaurant itself is really cosy, and the service from the staff is excellent! however, there is a very fluffy cat which roams around the restaurant, so if you're allergic to animal fur, do stay away from the restaurant or from the cat.
food: we ordered some starters (garlic bread and bread & dips) and they were alright. the garlic bread is pretty much mediocre while the breads & dips were quite good. the platter was quite big for the price we paid for (nz$9.50 with 4 dips selection). they had a selection of entrees on their menu - mum ordered the soup of the day (potato and sweet corn chowder) which was quite tasty, though very filling and sickening after having a tad too much of it. they didnt have many selections for the mains. my family ordered 2 sets of fish of the day, salmon steak, moroccan spiced venison, eye fillet steak and oven roasted chicken breast. the fish of the day was snapper, and it came with some mushroom risotto. the fish itself was quite tasteless, but the mushroom risotto was quite tasty. oven roasted chicken breast was horrible because the chicken was really tasteless, and the herbs that were used as the stuffing tasted really bad as well. the salmon steak was quite good and so was the eye fillet steak (highly recommended!). the moroccan spiced venison had some really strong spices in it, so if you dont like spices, this is not the dish for you. the venison wasn't tender, but rather tough.
price: the prices were pretty much standard, though for the price we paid, i'd rather go elsewhere for better and tastier food :)
overall: 2/5
Friday, January 12, 2007
Christine's Birthday
Christine darling turned *insert age* the other day, and us girls went for dinner at Don Don Rikka in Newmarket. The food there was quite good, and it was unique. I quite like what I ordered, but the portion was REALLY big. The creme brulee was quite good as well. Jap restaurant serving creme brulee - weird aye?
After picking Lucy and Len up, we went to Rio to get a cake for the birthday girl, but the people who makes the cakes are away until Feb..so we stood outside Rio scratching out head, trying to think of somewhere to get a cake for her. But since it was late, we couldn't get it anywhere....So it was a dinner without a cake :(
BUT BUT BUT, after dinner, when we went to Christine's place, she served us cakes :D she had TWO cakes already! Hehe! Wonder how she would have felt if we got her ANOTHER cake, huh..
Anyway, piccies time :)
From Len's camera:
i look like a down syndrome kid -.-"
AND!! look! alternate colours :p lucy and christine are wearing something in the shade of pink, while len and i are wearing black-ish cloths :D
AND! christine and i have the errr....string to tie around our neck from our top.
christine looks like she's erm, "serving tea" to her elders.
you know, like in a wedding ceremony?
lucy ate the scampi. then she filled its empty shell with ice.
the ice came out, and christine told her to stuff the scampi's shell into the ice to fill it up again.
what a brilliant idea -__-
lucy then got over excited with the poor scampi, and decided to come up with this:
for goodness sake!
the poor scampi is DEAD, and has been eaten!
but lucy wouldnt let it RIP..instead, she had to mutate it!
me and christine
look! they serve green tea in those cute-sy little container thingies!
so that's about it :) happy birthday darling! hope you enjoyed yourself that day...and hope this year will be WAYYY better than the previous years!
so full now. had bubble tea! w00t! my cravings has been satisfied. LOL. thanks for the treat!
now, i'll go wash up and go sleep...soon-ish. i'm doing the early shift tomorrow. BWAHAHAH! me likes :D
unfortunately, work DID NOT zoom by today. well, it did, for half the morning. but after my lunch break, it was just HORRIBLE!!!!
the weather was crap..and it was SO warm inside the building -.-" all the lifeguards were fighting for the air conditioned spots, and there are only TWO!!
i feel yucks everytime i finish work. my face becomes super greasy, and my hair just frizzes due to the humidity :(
anyway, too tired to even talk more. gonna nap now. bye..
Thursday, January 11, 2007
i think, some people REALLY do need to get out of their stupid shell and experience the world. some people are so naive, it makes me want to puke with the way the think and act and etc.
these people really irk me. why? because, hey, welcome to the real world alright? not everyone is mister nice and madame nice. for goodness sake (and for yourself!), grow up and get a life, will ya? stop acting stupid, and stop acting as if EVERYTHING revolves around you.
go GET A LIFE and grow up. i'm here when you've done all that.
and btw, do get out of your shell, and stop acting like you have a carrot up your hind.
i guess summer's finally here!
the icky-sticky-sweaty feeling is back once again! and boy oh boy, do i HATE it! but hey, at least it ain't raining anymore..well, it didnt rain today!
work zoomed by again today. before i knew it, i got kicked out of poolside to go home! gee, i wish everyday was like that. on some days, i check the clock every 20secs, but that 20secs must be the longest 20secs ever, because it feels like 5mins had gone by!
i saved someone from drowning today :) this little kid who CANNOT swim managed to venture to the deep end of the leisure pool, and he couldnt stand at the deep end of the pool. i was standing about 1m away from him, saw him struggling, took a step forward, reached for him and pulled him out. then i asked him to go back to the shallow end and STAY there. not long after that, he left..which was good, coz it got SO busy -.-"
the funny thing is, when that kid was struggling, there was an adult with a little child right beside the kid. the adult stared at the kid who was struggling, then looked at me, and looked back at the child. all that adult had to do was reach out for the kid to help him up again. but instead, he chose to stare back and forth between the poor kid and me...but hey, maybe he was panicking -_-
feeling quite tired. i havent been able to sit down much while working coz of the amount of people who come in to swim. mr manager told me that there were over 2600 people who went to swim at LEP yesterday. CRAZY!!!! and we had about 10 lifeguards on duty for the whole day, so that's about 300 people to watch for the time we were on duty~
anyway, gonna go through the stotts correspondence college stuff and decide whether to go ahead with doing cert. in sports and fitness. just found out that i cannot get student loan if i do decide to go ahead with it. wonder if dad'll be nice enough to sponsor me ;)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
today @ work...
- 5mins into my shift, an asian lady started struggling at the deep end of the lap pool, and i almost sh*t in my pants. i saw the signs of distress, assessed it, then i ran to her, all in a span of less than 5secs. when i got to her, she managed to grab hold of the wall and pulled herself up. so i checked if she's alright and etc, and she told me she panicked -.-" what a nice start to my shift! it's such a good WAKE UP call. who needs coffee now?
- had an interview with a lady named Diane. the interview was about how we find working at LEP and how the team leader is (read: super cool!) and if we've had any difficulties working there. the interview went well, but the lady said that my team leader needs to hold some staff meetings...and apparently (according to team leader), after each staff meeting, they'll chuck us into the pool to swim -_- okay, now i'm NOT looking forward to the staff meetings.
- had an assh*le trying to gimme shite in the lap pool. this idiot is way younger than me, and was being really rude and causing lots of trouble. so i told him off a couple of times, and he'll just ignore me. and well, i started fuming after that and i think jimmy saw what happened from the office and came out to help kick that idiot out of the pool but he didn't budge. so someone went to get mr manager, and that retard got kicked out (cue for evil laugh *MWAAHAHAHA*)
- i had fun hosing kiddies down on the bouncy castle :D but some kids wanted to squirt their friends as well, and this one kid left the hose on the floor, and the hose went flying around, and got mr manager wet (oops!). dont think he got angry from that (well, he is working at a swimming pool, so he's bound to get wet one way or another..) but when another little kid was pushing another kid around, he got REALLY angry. and i've never seen mr manager get angry -.-" it was kinda scary, coz he started yelling at the kid, and his face was like..red. really red. i wonder if that's how i looked like when i was fuming earlier.
and that was my day.
how was yours?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
so, like, i'm home from work. and i think it's funny...why? because the day just went by so quickly today -_- maybe coz i was stoning for like, 3/4 of the time i was at work today...
but anyway, work was alright today. it got really busy when i started, and it was SO noisy too! i felt so sick and dizzy for a while due to all the people and the noise. but the crowd started thinning after a while, and i started feeling better after that.
then came 8pm, and that was quite fun :D peter and i just sat around chatting while watching the pool, and when we were about to close, that idiotic team leader asked to borrow my key, but i refused to give it to him but he was going to snatch the water hose away from me to get me wet, so i quickly gave my keys to him.
and when he was done with my keys, my was gonna hang it somewhere high so i wouldnt be able to get it. but then, he saw a kickboard on the side of the pool, and he put my keys on top of it and pushed the kickboard to the middle of the pool -_- smart arse. but after a while, the kickboard went to the side and i could get it :"D
hehe! next time i'll get him wet when i'm hosing down! bwahahaha! when team leader and i are on the late shift, we'll always go home soaking wet. coz we spray water to each other when hosing down. one fine day, i'll push him into the pool. nyehehe :D
anyway, i've fulfilled my ice cream quota for today, so i'll go have my shower now. ta~
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
i is a NERD!
the 3 loud speakers are home! the peace and quietness of the house has now been replaced by their constant chatter and laughter...which is good i suppose. i actually missed those noise when they weren't around.
got a Christmas present from my cousins, and it's a Roxy handbag (thanks heidi and tommy!). another one to add to my roxy collection; i'm becoming like my sister. becoming more and more of a roxy fanatic. from one roxy item, to 2, then to three and the it keeps going...i now have 3 roxy handbags, 2 roxy denims, 1 roxy t-shirt, 1 roxy boardshort and a roxy laptop carry bag.
mum got me the glasses i wanted, but in a different colour. and it doesn't suit me :( it makes me look OLD and NERDY. oh well, few hundred bucks spent on that, i cant say i dont want to wear it now, can i? i guess it'll have to do...
mom also got me a few other stuff, but let's just say...mom and i have very different dressing style. things that she likes, i dont really like it....*sigh* but hey, i'll be thankful and say "thanks mommy!" for she thought about me when she was shopping!
anyway, that's it for now. i'm sleepy. and hungry. woke up at 4.15am, and haven't really had anything proper to eat. ta!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
i've recently started trying to eat healthy again, after a long period of snacking on absolute junk and nothing else. i blame it all on the holiday season :p what, with people feeding me chocolate all the time, i'm bound to gain weight right?
anyway, few days back, i started packing fruits and some light snacks to bring to work. lots and lots of fruits and no solid food, other than rice crackers and a packet of up & go. it works quite well - even for a long 8 hours shift, i dont get too hungry, as long as i have a fruit/ snack during every break.
i'll have something solid for breakfast and dinner, but for lunch, it's totally healthy stuff. the last 2 days, i went berry-crazy. i'll pack a container full of strawberries and blueberries (they're SO sweet, omg!) and that'll basically be my lunch ;)
this healthy eating seems to be going quite well........well, until someone at work decides to spoil us and go buy a big feed, which is usually pizza or fish and chips -_- so far, i've managed to say n to pizza, but i snacked on like, 3 pieces of chips the other day. hrm. not too bad i guess?
hopefully i'll be able to keep up with this plan (not diet) even when mommy's around. it's much easier getting my own groceries coz i know what i want, but when mommy's around, she'll get it, but since foodtown is only a stone throw away from LEP, it shouldn't be too difficult!
over and out. ta!
mommy and sizzies are coming back...TOMORROW!
hoorah! all my prezzies and stuffs will be back.
i dunno if i'm more excited about 'em coming back or 'em prezzies coming back :D of course i'm stoked that mommy and sizzies will be back. huzzah!
i've even swapped shifts with my colleague so that i'll be home to rummage through their baggages and claim ownership of my prezzies. nyehehehe!
anyway, cleaning has all been done :D bathrooms and toilets are sparkly clean, the carpet is dust free (or so i believe) and my room no longer resemble a bombed site :p it feels weird everytime i step into my room because of all the free carpet that is not covered!
anyway, a little update for 2007...i've just sent my inquiry in to stott's correspondence college about doing a certificate in sports and nutrition. i dunno why, but somehow, i think it'll be a good combination to food science. just my gut feelings, but what do i have to lose if it's not a good combination? i'll use it for myself....also, i should go check if part time staff are eligible for the manukau city council scholarship. i will be (if i decide to, that is), afterall, doing something sports related :p i might even be able to work up at the gym upon completion of that course..
will give it more thought once i've received more information regarding this.
bed time! toodles!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Superman Returns
the new blogger is so confusing >"<
just finished watching superman returns.
-do not like lex luthor at all in superman, but he's still acceptable in smallville
-find the little kid really adorable, but is he really superman's child? then howcome he didn't get weak when lex shoved the kryptonite right up the child's face?
-think kate bosworth's really pretty :)
-thought kitty was pretty much a dumbass, until she chucked the crystals out the chopper *clapclap*
the movie's pretty long, but quite good actually. superman is very hot, but i think i prefer him without his superman suit (read: NORMAL clothes) and without his glasses. and i think he'll be a better BOND rather than the current BOND that we have -_- i have yet to watch casino royale.
next movie i get will be garfield 2.
so far, since my break started, i've hired the following dvds:
- the hostel
- silent hill (but never got around to watching it coz i chickened out after watching the hostel)
- alexander
- born to fight (a thai muay thai [thai kickboxing] movie)
- alexander
- v for vendetta (will be watching that tomorrow night)
- watched ice age 2 with the CG peeps
bed time!