Monday, November 13, 2006

1st day as a trainee lifeguard

too tired to blog properly, so i'll just give you some bullet points

  • got to experience the Maori culture. had to do the hongi (that nose to nose and handshake thingy) and erm, hear a few speeches in Maori. the only words i could pick up were: whanau, kia ora, haere mai, manukau (rofl), wahine
  • got to hang out with a whole bunch of Maori people....and they'll be my whanau for the next 3 weeks of training :p
  • i am officially a family member of Manukau City Council
  • i get free gym access to lloyd elsmore's fitness club! w00000tttt!
  • i am probably the weakest swimmer among all 26 of us *dies* everyone else are either competitive swimmers or regular swimmers or are lifeguards already
  • i have to get used to waking up at 7am everyday to get to training centre on time

that's about it. will blog properly when i have more energy :S


c.ho said...

you go girl!!! *respect*!

Amy C said...

c.ho: respect my ass really...i had to tell them to let me stop swimming today coz i was hyperventilating already


dunno can pass my practical assessment or not...and i dunno whether to give up or not now...

c.ho said...

no no!! don't give up just yet.. you never know ok! your stamina might build up enough!

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