harro peeps!
how's everyone been? hope everything's going good :D my week hasn't been all too good, but you know, it's only Tuesday so hopefully it'll only get better! *positive thinking!!*
sorry i havent posted up pics from the Rotovegas trips of Days 2 and 3. i've been WAY to engrossed with my Harry Potter book..i should be able to finish it in another hour or so when i read it tonight, so i wont be abandoning my blog as much anymore :p there's a really good twist at the end of the book. if you havent gotten a book already, i really think you should. i think the book's quite worth a read, so if you're sitting on your bum complaining you're bored, go ask someone who's got the book and start reading it!! i've sacrified sleep just to keep reading the book over the last few nights!
anyway, bad news (or maybe good news for some). i wont be going back to malaysia at the end of this year. we've changed plans to have the wedding in nz instead, so sorry guys! BUT, if i DO go back, it'll be sometime next year, maybe in late feb or march..when the ticket prices are lower. but then again, i might choose to go somewhere else instead so i cant promise you guys anything..
AND since i'm not going back to malaysia this year, i wont have to work SO hard so i can save money. but of course, i'll still keep working. i love working at my workplace :D and just to be random, i'm gonna get a new ipod with my travelling funds! hehehehe. gonna shoot downtown after this to get one from parallel imported once i'm down revising logic. i'm lost already coz i didnt attend last week's lecture -.-"
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
i'm leaking mucus from my nose >"< and it's gross! i think i should carry a box of tissue with me wherever i go.
this is the result of lack of rest + too much partying.
remember how i had a sore throat? ok, that same day right, i went for the LEAP AWARDS night. all was good, until the awards were given out. we LEP (my workplace) peeps must be the rowdiest of them all (we kicked the Maori's asses by being rowdy! HEHEHE) coz we clapped so hard and shouted so loud and knocked on the table until the drinks started spilling all over the place.
but when that was done, the dance floor opened up and everyone was just dancing away. i was standing with Brendan just talking (more like shouting) when Trent came to drag me to the dance floor, but failed. heh. then Brad came and drag me and Brendan so we both had to go -.-"
then the crazy dancing started. i was shocked that i was actually dancing without a single drop of alcohol in my blood! but it was good fun. i'm not gonna say what happened on the dance floor coz that's for me to keep, and not for you to know :p
anyways, i'm off!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
i cant believe i'm down with a sore throat when i have a big dinner to attend tonight!
all the big big and high high positioned people of Manukau City Council (MCC) will be there tonight..because we're having the LEAP awards night.
it's the MCC equivalent of the Oscar awards or whatever :p i've never been to one, but from what i've heard over the weekend, it seems like it's pretty huge.
and i haven't quite figured out what to wear. might wear my white skirt with boots or something. hopefully it won't be too cold.
and i have to drive tonight and pick Trent up as well coz he's got a fractured ligament on his neck or something so it's really hard for him to drive -.-" but at least i know where his house is now, coz Darryl and i picked him up on Tuesday night for dinner.
did you know, i could taste blood this morning coz my throat was super sore and dry? no matter how much water i drank, it would still be dry. it only felt better after i had some lempsip, and even then, i could feel the stinging sensation when i drank it.
time to go get some revision done before my 203 lab. i haven't read anything coz i've been so tired!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
rotorua: day 1
the day started with me waking up at 5.30am, allowing myself extra time to pack up all my other stuff and to make sure that i've got everything before shutting the door behind me.
i drove myself to work, and when i got there, 2 of my colleagues were already there (Sade and Shanae). 15 minutes later, Kevin turned up, and that was just before 7am.
no one else turned up for another 20 minutes, and all 4 of us were starting to get restless. We started txting the people who weren't there yet, but they turned up eventually at around 7.25am.
everyone started throwing bags and luggages to the back of the van and some of us went up to the staff room to get the food that were left there. our journey finally started at 7.45am.
the drive down wasn't all too bad - Deidre was our designated driver for our trip and it was all good. Shanae sat up front in the passenger seat, Peter and Kevin in front of me, myself and Sade in the middle seats and finally, the 3 monkeys (Eli, Darryl and Teina) right at the back.
Teina and Eli were singing and playing away on the mini guitar they brought along, and we played some silly and childish games all the way there. Kevin and Peter were the only ones sleeping for almost the entire drive down -.-"
games aside, there were a lot of teasing and a lot of laughter - and i could really feel my abs tightening from all the laughing sessions.
the boys got hungry after a while so i took fed them the brownies i brought along. not too long after finishing my brownies, they demanded for a stop at McDonald's for a proper meal, and this was in MataMata...about an hour's drive away from Rotorua.
when everyone was well fed and happy, we took off again and got to Rotorua about an hour later. we checked into our rooms - 3 rooms all together for 9 of us. we got all our luggages out of the van and checked into our bedrooms and rested for a while. me being the hyper one, i ran up to the boys' room (which is also our meeting room) and started annoying all of them there. HEHEHE. later on, the others came up too and then we had a short briefing.
after that, we took off for the skyline and luge. we had heaps of fun there but Shanae didn't like it at all since she's afraid of heights. we had a mini race on the luge and i came 3rd place. HEHE not too bad aye, for someone small like me!
we then went off to Kerosene Creek, and it's a natural hot springs. Eli jumped in first, and he said it was cold, but no one trusted him so everyone continued stripping and getting changed in the bush and quickly jumped into the river. 5 seconds later, everyone was going "F*** IT IS COLD! F******KKKK!!!!!" or "TEINA! I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT'S A HOT SPRINGS! IT'S F**KING COLD ALRIGIHT!" hahahaha. apparently it was because of all the rain from the previous days which made the river really cold. the sand however, was really warm but you'll have to dig in quite deep to keep your legs warm.
10 minutes later, we hopped out because everyone was shivering and shaking from the cold. at one point, while i was getting dry and changed in the bush, i heard Eli shouting "hey guys! wanna see something big in my shorts? .....oh wait. maybe later!" if you didn't get that joke, Eli was trying to say that his package has shrivelled due to the cold. ROFL!
we then took a long drive back to our motel and did some stuff and relaxed. i stayed back in my unit instead of going to the boys' room coz i wanted to hop into the spa bath that was right beside my bed. heh~ stayed in there for about 30 minutes with Deidre and Sade while watching tv and then i hopped out for my nice and rewarding shower.
lots of time passed while we were busy playing silly games, or watching rugby on tv, or just talking nonsense and more teasing. dinner was pizza from Dominoes and 4 boxes just wasn't enough for 9 adults. everyone ended up munching on some junk after that.
after dinner, it was time for our group meeting where we had some brainstorming session and problem-solving session. it was all good, and once that was done, we played a few more games which totally made us all crack up, but you've got to be there to enjoy it :)
that's Teina, on our drive down
Darryl and Eli, in the back seat
Teina and 1/3 of me
the boys at the back seat
me, taken by Darryl
Sade (she's leaving soon. *sigh* one of my closer female colleagues at work)
Darryl and Deidre playing the shock tank (it gives out shocks when one tank shoots the other tank)
Teina and Eli playing the shock tank
pretty and savvy Sade
us girls in the spa bath, having a bubbling good time!
even more...
last one
and those are all the pics i have from day 1. no pictures from the other places coz i didn't bring my phone or camera along. apparently, Kerosene Creek has a lot of thieves lurking around so we didn't bring anything valuable. i think Teina has some pics so i'll get it off him once it's on bebo.
ps: i just got some good news from my bro's fiance. she said i should be able to claim it under my parents' home insurance but they'll be a $150 excess to is.
HURHUR~!! i am happy..but not gonna get my hopes too high. but $150 is still cheapppp compared to what i paid for my ipod!
curse the bastard who stole my ipod >"< i hope my ipod will send some electric shock to that person who's got it right now. if it's a guy, i hope his dick will shrivel up and fall off and if it's a lady, i hope her boobies will shrivel up and shrink to the size of a green pea!
ok that was a joke. i hope that person who stole my ipod will learn a lesson to never steal people's things again from now on!
it just sinked in today that my ipod has been stolen :(
everytime i see my ipod box or my usb cable, i become really upset. i've been trying to find out a way to locate stolen ipods but still cant find anything that's useful.
..and i'm thinking if i should lodge a police report? i dunno :(
i'm just upset upset upset.
anyway, i've loaded most of the photos from my camera onto my bebo page - http://am3zster.bebo.com and if you scroll down, you'll see all my photo albums there.
i'll do a proper photoblog of my trip when i'm feeling less upset about my ipod
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hello peeps.
i'm back in good ol' auckland. cant say i missed auckland much when i was away for the last 3 days. i thoroughly enjoyed my trip, and not once was i missing auckland :p
but anyway, all in all, it was one AWESOME trip which i went on, and everyone bonded really well. to the point where..we can barge into the male's bathroom while someone was having a soak in the spa bath....naked.
pics up tmr!
ps: no, we did not see his package :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
oh why hello there bebulz.
i'm bored, so i'm on a break from studying and doing notes. i dont like biochem. period.
my timetable is finally SORTED, which means that i need not worry about it anymore, but try to enjoy uni life and work REALLY hard this semester (and i mean it - i tell myself that i have to study every night, even if it's for 30 minutes, because i really wanna get into the habit of revising everyday).
i've made a pact with rachel - we will work on our assignment or revise our course material when we have a 4 or 5 hours gap. we shall make lvl 4 of info commons or the library our 2nd home from now on.
and guess what? i had 2 lectures at the new business school and it's ultra-mega- flash. it's top notch design beats our bio building 2039492837592 times. our bio building is a shame when compared to the new business school :( they have these massive lecture theatres (bigger than HSB1 or PLT1) and everyone has an individual table which you can pull out from the front seat. and the seats are super comfy. they're all cushion-y and not super flat that you can feel the nuts and bolts jabbing into your arse.
and you know what's best? there's a FLAT SCREEN TV outside each lecture hall which will tell you what lectures are going on, and what will be next. so now, you dont have to face the embarrassment of walking out of a lecture theater when you're in the wrong one.
ugh. why cant they just upgrade the bio building or chem building or the maths and physics building so it'll look prettier and have nicer seats and what not?!
photo: it was taken when i was studying for my finals last semester, while sunbathing in my bikini in my room.
Monday, July 16, 2007
9 photos for you :)
i was just browsing through my latest photo folder, and found a few amusing photos, including those from my last shopping trip.
look at my ponytail! it's SO longggg :D but look how broad my shoulders are. yucks! (that's me in my work uniform) that would be me...being silly ^^" but look at the layers in my hair! i love it!
i like it when my hair's like that ^^ but my sis said i look emo...actually, i do like the whole emo look, minus the hardout black eyeliner
w00t! my eyes are soo pretty :p hhahaha~
vanity moment :p
my purple top from valleygirl. $15 only! cheap aye?
front view. can you see my tummy flab? WAHAHAHAH! i'm such a fatso!
my pretty black top from valleygirl as well. $15 too :p
side view..
and that's it for today. i'm REALLY REALLY tired!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
food, glorious food..and FIRE!
hello :)
i am feeling better now. thanks to all who sent their love and concern ^^
i had the best day at work today, even though i was sneezing almost every 2 minutes, but it doesnt matter, because i enjoyed myself today.
let me tell introduce you to the layout of our swimming pool:
we have 5 pools in total. leisure, lap, spa, learning and splash. the swimming pool complex will be closed for 2 weeks for maintenance purposes so there wont be any swimming lessons or any swimming activities. we closed the lap pool today because it's pretty deep and it's got lots of water so it takes ages to drain it (we have to drain out all the water from the swimming pool for fixing and cleaning while we're closed). that means one pool less for us to watch. also, the learning pool was closed because..i dont know. it was just closed. so we're left to watch 3 pools.
now, the spa doesnt really need to be watched at all times, but a quick check every now and then would be good so that we'll know when someone faints there (lots of people faint after coming out of the spa coz they get dehydrated). that means...we only have 2 pools to watch. and we had 7 people on duty.
the other day, brendon suggested that we have a big feed on sunday (today) because it'll be so breezy and fun so we brought all the food today and started the BBQ and cooked up a huge feed. HEHEHE. we had burgers and sausages and dumplings and what nots. all the staff took turns to go into the learning pool to have a feed and when we're full and bloated, we'll send someone else to go into that pool to eat and it goes on and on until the food runs out.
so that made me one happy girl :D heh. also, the pool wasn't too busy today so it was really fun ;) but i was up at the office most of the time, doing some work for darryl about operating the swimming pool and what to do in an emergency. i kinda know everything now coz i had to proof read everything for him. anyway, it was good times up at the office. every now and then, a few staff will come in and we'll have fits of laughter, good times mocking darryl and making fun of other people and etcetc. heh, we're such mean people!
anyway, it was a good day all in all. i dont know why it made me so happy, but i just am, even though i had to miss church and wake up at 6.10 in the morning -.-"
and something really interesting happened (yes, i saved the best for the last). we went out for dinner tonight, and on the way home, my dad suddenly decided to go get the Borat dvd. but it was a bit too late as we were already out of the way to the video store. anyway, my dad was meant to take a turn into one of the streets so it'll lead him to the video store, but he took the wrong one and had to go make a u-turn at the end of the street coz it was a dead end.
then suddenly, my mum saw a small fire, so she said "oh! someone's have a BBQ!" and i said "oooohh yummers! can we self-invite ourselves? hehehe". as we drove closer, we realised that they weren't having a BBQ but their mailbox was on FIRE! my mum sent down and tried to alert the people in the house but there wasn't anyone and they had a gate outside so we couldnt knock on their door.
so i went down as well and ran to their neighbour's house and told them what happed. they came out to have a look and my dad told them to get some buckets of water to put the fire out. at the same time, my mum managed to alert the other neighbours and one of them rang the ES (emergency services) and when he was almost done giving the information, we've managed to put out the fire.
the weird thing was, the fire started out of nowhere. when we turned into that street, no one was seen running around or driving away. and there wasn't anyone home at that time. the neighbours were all at home but they didnt know that their neighbour's property was on fire....in a way, it made me and my family really suspicious coz we were there out of the blue and we were the only one who saw the fire.
it's just weird..how my dad took the wrong turn and we stumbled upon an incident like that...
anyway, some photos from rb's 21st....all of myself :p
ok toodles!
Friday, July 13, 2007
yes yes, i know i've been MIA for a while. i just wanted to have some 'alone time' to sort out my head.
dont worry, nothing major happened. i'm still me, though i'm a bit down. i think i'm hitting the depression path...again
i just hate uni so much, i really feel like quitting. let me sum up how i feel about uni:
i feel like i'm hanging on a thin piece of thread, and that thread is about to break. all it requires is the slightest touch and it'll fall apart...
i can see a break-put party on my face from stress of going back to uni and i've been really down lately. i am not keen to do anything and that includes swimming and shopping. believe it or not, i haven't done any swimming since sunday (and that was our training..not actual swimming). and when i go shopping, i look at stuff and i cant make myself like anything, even the prettiest thing i can see!
it's really shocking.
i was in uni today, and guess what? i have 5 papers left to do. and i have to do everything ASAP if i want to graduate ASAP. 5 papers in 1 semester is absolutely crazy, and i'm not going to put myself through that kind of torture. SO, i guess i'll be doing 4 papers this semester and 1 in summer school..
..which means i have to cut short my summer holiday :,( but oh well. i'd rather do that than stay back for a full semester to do one stupid paper.
now, i have to choose 2 papers to do. i have in mind, sportsci206 because i think it'll help me with what i might want to do in future. however, my head of department is really pushing me to do maths208 because apparently i'm "good at maths". pure bollocks. i've only done maths102 in uni, and that is NOT ENOUGH, i repeat, NOT ENOUGH for me to do maths208. i dont wanna fail!!
and another paper that i'm quite keen to do is a post grad paper in foodsci..because i actually quite like food science paper. but again, my head of department has given me the big NO to that paper..so i guess not again?
and apart from maths208, he keeps insisting i do stats208...and i REALLY am not keen in doing stats ok..i hate stats @)#$%*@)%*@)#$^*. so now i have to look for other papers that i'll be interested in...and check to see if they'll clash with my current timetable.
this is so effing frustrating. as if i dont have enough to deal with.
and guess what? on my way home from uni, i stopped by my workplace because i was feeling so unhappy..so i was sitting in the office with eli, talking to him for a bit..and it kinda lifted my mood a little. so i went out and spoke to andre about uni stuff, and i instantly felt better. there's just this thing about my workplace and the people at my workplace that can make me feel really good.
you know how people say "laughter is the best medicine"? i actually believe it, because on sunday, i wasn't feeling my best..i was rather unhappy, and my gums were swollen and everything but i went for training anyway. we did a scenario on spinal injuries, and while doing that, i was once again giggling away just like our previous meeting&training session. my workmates really do crack me up and they really make me happy. i really look forward to more meeting&training sessions from now on ;)
and i'm really looking forward to our team building trip to rotovegas :D and when we come back, we'll be treated to a posh dinner and they'll be hitting the clubs after that (but i'll have to come home and be a good little girl and sleep early so i'll be able to wake up for uni the next day) and 2 days after that, we'll be going for our LEAP awards dinner.
and all os that is happening in a week or so!
now I'M HAPPY!
Friday, July 06, 2007
if i could turn back time..
- i would want to be a non-geeky kid. i want to be one of those kids who's got a good sense of fashion and knows how to dress properly and have very modern looking hairstyle.
- i would want to be a kid who didn't think she was a tomboy. i used to think i'm a tomboy and refused to wear skirts and dresses and i acted like a boy. instead of learning ballet or attending dance classes, i attended martial arts classes. and when i had to play the piano, i'll scream saying "I'M TOO ROUGH TO PLAY THE PIANO! I LEARN TAEKWAN-DO LA!!! how to be GENTLE?!?!"
- i would want to learn swimming at a very young age. if possible, once i can start walking. and i want to be trained to be a competitive swimmer.
- i would want to be active in sports (anything!! like girls soccer, badminton, hockey, netball) and be one of those all-rounder achievers (..yes, i'm still dreaming)
- i wouldn't want to be a quiet mouse, but a rather chatty one and also be one who got along with everyone. i used to be a shy mouse and i'll never wanna go anywhere if i dont know anyone..but now, i can fit it rather easily..i think?
- i would want to have abs at a very young age :D
and the list goes on..
i was at work today and i was thinking "if i could change myself now, what would i do?" and i thought, i have changed quite a bit since i started working. i think i'm quite happy with who i am now...since i've started working, i've become more outgoing in many ways. i try to talk to strangers and i try to be friendly with the wee kids. i'm also a bit of a risk taker now. i used to play safe all the time, but i think adding a little bit of risk to my life is interesting and challenging :p
and i think i get along better with people now. oh, and i can also voice my opinions better these days ^^
guess what happened at work today?
this lady was swimming in the lanes and then my workmate told me to look at her when she stands up, so i did. and because i was standing 25m away from her, all i could see was a white spot on her chest. so i said "shoot. it's not her boobies is it?!" and my workmate said "i think it is!" so i told her to go inform the lady coz she was watching that pool but she refused. after that, another colleague came along and she confirmed that one of the lady's boobies were hanging out from her swimming suit. i then approached the lady and said "hi. sorry to bother you but uh, my colleague over there said that your swim suit is not quite right. erm, it's err...revealing something." the lady then looked down and saw her own boobs hanging out and said "oh..OHHH...omg! thank you sooo much! i didnt even realise i had my swimming suit on wrongly!" and i smiled politely and said "sorry to embarrass you, but we thought it was better to let you know while you're still in the pool.." and walked off quickly.
the lady didnt put on her swimming suit properly, that's why her boobs were hanging out. but everyone was wondering after that "how can you not know that your boobies are hanging out?" wonder how many people saw her boobies when she walked to the pools from the changing rooms.
Posted by
Amy C
4:02 pm
Tag me, work and colleagues
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
of blisters, dizziness and ABS and FATS
my 5 days away from work just flew by!!
ok fine, it wasn't exactly away from work, since i spent 4 days swimming on my days off -.-" as mentioned earlier, i spent 4 hours there on sunday and when i was waiting for dinner, the whole restaurant was spinning with me. i was super dizzy. but it got better after a while, so i could drive my sisters and myself home safely.
yesterday, we spent about 2 hours there, and when i got home, i was feeling dizzy again. i really cant pinpoint what the reason is, but it might be because we're going hard out with swimming now. sis and i have set a goal to have ABS by the end of the year so my sis is doing 50 laps of swimming and 50 sit ups every night, while i do about 50 laps of swimming as well, and eat a whole heap of junk food. so much for ABS..more like FATS.
and my blister on my right foot is SO sore i have to limp while walking. that's why i decided not to swim for a day or two so that it'll have a chance to heal. sigh, such is the pain when one swims for a long long time just to be 'fit'.
anyway, i'm due back at work today in just over an hour, and i'm not quite looking forward to it. but having said that, if i dont have work today, i wouldnt know what to do since i cant spend 4 hours swimming :(
Sunday, July 01, 2007
triple yeouch!
i've got THREE really huge and deep blisters, no thanks to the flippers. somehow, they just keep rubbing against the sides and middle of my feet and i end up with blistered feet for days on end. and i cant swim properly or with full speed when i have flippers, coz the ouch factor is just too high.
my fingers resemble dried prunes now coz my sisters and i went swimming for.....well, FOUR HOURS. dont ask HOW we did it, but we did. they stopped half way through for food but i was still really bloated from our yumcha lunch, so i didnt join them. besides, i'm sick of the cafe's food andd they're a total rip off anyway.
i cant dive -.-" did a couple of belly flops when there wasn't anyone in the pool (apart from my sisters, who belly flopped with me) and we got sick of hurting our thighs and tummy so we left. i was limping all the way to the car, not too sure which foot to put the pressure on coz it hurts like crazy from all the blisters -.-" horrible sight.
ps: my colleague, lana, got pulled into the pool by her bf when she was on duty and she came back out soaking wet. it was such a funny sight!!