Saturday, October 28, 2006

strawberry with chocolate sauce crepe that i made! it's so simple -.- now i do not have to spend around $8-$9 on a crepes that tastes only slightly better than this. and it only takes a few minutes to prepare.

recipe from here:

i ate erm, 3 crepes that day. or was it 4? i cant remember now, but i became so bloated after that :S

anyway, i became more adventurous, and added

bananas to it :D but the bananas were quite it became a bit..gross ><

today......i had crepes again. i erm, added honeydew to it, drizzled lots of chocolate sauce, but i left out the whipped cream. time to cut down on those fatty food :p

so yes. that's me for now!



c.ho said...

beeehh.. you ar.. make so much yummy foood...:( i oso want!!! hehehehheeh

hey girl.. do you want this blog to be private or not? cuz if not i won't link it to my blog.

Amy C said...

hehehe wait till after exams....YOU COME STAY OVER (when i have my day off, and when you're free) and we eat until...we gila babi. ok??????? *hugs*

erm, yeah you can like. private stuff goes to the OTHER blog. :D

Lucy said...

Hey hey~~ i love making my own crepe too ;) let's have a crepe lunch thign sometimes during the holidays. :P

Amy C said...

yayy~ okayyy!!!

we'll erm, binge on crepes :D i better start losing weight now so i can eat as many crepes as i want then :p

c.ho said...

damn it.. but you are working as a lifeguard.. at least it's active work whereas me?? I'm just.. bah.. stuck in the lab. bOO.

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