Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Life My Story v2.0


finally got a new blog :D

everytime something happens, i'll tell myself, "ooh! i've gotta get this on my blog", but 5 seconds later, i'll go "oh, wait..i no longer have a blog...."


woohoo~ will post up pics from the last ski trip, various self potraits *cough* and erm, i'll go dig some stuff up!



c.ho said...

nothing to say... hey.. how you got that archive to be like that ar?? i need to change mine edi-.-" getting.. too long the list.. lol

Peter said...

I KNEW you couldn't resist! Hah! :P

Amy C said...

c.ho: i'm using blogger beta. need gmail to use that.

peter: yes, i couldnt resist. i need to keep track of what i do daily!

Peter said...

Well, at least you fixed the timezone on this one... I was continually juggling numbers in my brain when I posted on your last blog.

c.ho said...


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