Monday, September 15, 2008

yesterday, i got stalked by some turkish guy. i was walking close to imax in town, by myself, as the bf was meeting up with his friend, when i got stopped by a random person for the time.

now, when this person stopped me, i felt a strange sensation. i knew someone had been following me closely while looking at me (you know how you get that feeling when someone is starring at you...). anyway, the guy asked for the time, and i told him the time, and then smiled politely and walked off after he said thanks.

then what he did next was, catch up with me, and tried talking to me. like asking where i was from, and telling me about himself and how he's lived here for this long and stayed in aust for this long. then he started asking about malaysia and etc and i just said "it's nice and hot" and smiled, and kept walking.
when i got outside the store i wanted to go to, he blocked my way. i told him that i've reached my destination, and that i would like to go in the store. he started blabbering on about himself, and so i listened for a short while, and attempted to walk into the store again. he then blocked my way again, and started saying "you're a stranger to me, i'm a stranger to you..can i ask you a question? if you're free maybe later or tomorrow, maybe i can take you for coffee?"


at this point i just glared at him, and said "sorry i have a bf" and walked off. and then he tried blocking my way again and said "oh it's nothing like that!!" and i replied "no, sorry, thanks, bye"
i was so freaked out by then because first of all, he stalked my from mid city (by smith&caughey's) all the way to imax. then he blocked my way, and then asked me out for coffee?!
eh what do you think i am? some china aunty that you can ask out and then try to gain residency by being with me? no thanks la, you stink turkish man. you're so short (my height) and how dare you block my way and pretend to ask for the time!!

if i had pepper spray with me, i would've sprayed 5 times in his damn ugly face!

i hope he burns himself while frying sausages in the kitchen and due to his luck, the sausage will fall on his dick and burn it off!!!

and jokingly, the bf said "aw you broke his heart today" to which i added "yeap. he'll probably go do some suicide bombing tonight to kill us all"


i bought sheer cover and i arrived in the mail today! i've just tried it on, and i love the results! it feels like i'm not wearing any foundation, but at the same time, it looks like i am! my skin looks flawless :)


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